The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 396-400

Chapter 396 I’m

in my twenties, and I’m still like a child.

Yue Feng couldn’t help but smile bitterly, and said, “Yeah, you are a big girl, let your sister try it with you.”

When he said this, Yue Feng couldn’t help but his heart beat faster.

This girl really dares to say anything.

Song Qian looked indifferent and muttered, “What’s the matter, my brother-in-law is not an outsider.

Hearing this, Yue Feng was drinking water and almost couldn’t hold back his mouth. This girl is too unrestrained, and she doesn’t know what’s in that little head.

While thinking about it, Yue Feng turned on the TV.

Jingle Bell!

As a result, at this moment, the phone suddenly rang. It was already past ten o’clock in the evening, and it was so late. Who was calling?

I muttered in my heart, took out my phone and looked at it, and was stunned for a while. Is that the head teacher Ji Yun?

The corner of Yue Feng’s mouth evoked a smile. I haven’t given her a small repayment for several days, so I must be anxious.

The moment the phone was connected, Ji Yun heard Ji Yun say, “Yue Feng, didn’t you say last time that you really want to see the principal, here’s your chance! Next Monday, the six major factions will hold a ‘lion slaughter meeting’, not only the principal will come , the six major factions have also sent many experts to participate, and then you will be able to see the principal.”

Yue Feng was overjoyed, as long as he could see the principal, he would have the opportunity to steal scriptures!

Thinking to himself, Yue Feng couldn’t help but say, “Mr. Ji, what is a lion slaughter conference?”

Never heard of Shangwu Academy, there is such a conference.

Killing a lion… wouldn’t be killing a lion, would it?

Ji Yun exhaled softly, her tone showing a bit of solemnity, and said: “Yue Feng, you should know that the Hall of Longevity is one of the two major evil sects. This Hall of Longevity does all evil and is the deadly enemy of our six major sects. It is like water. Fire! Recently, Yu Zongtian, one of the four Dharma kings of the Changsheng Hall, was active frequently in Donghai City, and was caught by our six major factions!”

Having said this, Ji Yun couldn’t hide her excitement, laughing. Said: “So this lion slaughter conference is a trial conference against Yu Zongtian. When the time comes, the devil will be executed in public.”

King Golden Lion…. Yu Zongtian?

Yu Zongtian? ! There are very few people with the surname Yu, is Yu Mo her grandfather?

At this moment, Ji Yun’s tone suddenly softened, showing a bit of anticipation, and softly said: “Yue Feng… Teacher has been doing well these days, you… can you… Return the pill, give it to the teacher.”

Ji Yun felt very depressed when she was talking.

Ever since Yue Feng refined the Xiao Huan Dan that day, he promised to give himself one one day, but until now, he has only given himself two pills. Five days have passed, and now he is only the strength of a fourth rank martial artist.

Feeling Ji Yun’s eagerness, Yue Feng laughed and said, “Okay, Mr. Ji, don’t worry, school starts next Monday, and I’ll give you the medicine pill.”

Hearing this, Ji Yun was very happy and bit her. He said with his lips, “Yue Feng.. Thank you. The teacher promises that in the future at school, I will listen to your words..”

Ji Yun’s face turned red after she said that. Why do you feel so awkward about what you just said? With a shy look on Ji Yun’s face, she hung up the phone.

At this time, Song Qian and Liu Xuan also finished trying on the clothes.

Liu Xuan was a little sleepy. After walking around with this girl for a day today, she was really tired and said, “I went to take a bath and then went to bed.”

After she finished speaking, she went to the bathroom. As soon as she got to the door, Song Qian walked over with a smile and hugged Liu Xuan’s arm: “Cousin, let’s wash together.

” She blushed and smiled angrily: “Qian Qian, don’t make trouble, you’re not a child anymore, you have to come with me in the bath, I’ll go wash first, and then you wash. Be obedient.

” Touching Song Qian’s head.

However, Song Qian held her arm tightly, pouted her lips, very captivated, and begged, “No, I just want to wash with my cousin.”

After speaking, she said with a smile, “I’m not Boy, cousin, are you still afraid that I will eat you.” Then she shook Liu Xuan’s arm with a harmless expression on her face.

Liu Xuan was very helpless, and nodded in disbelief: “Okay!”

This girl really can’t do anything about her.

“Yeah, go wash it with my cousin.”

Seeing her answer, Song Qian cheered, happy like a child, and at the same time stuck her tongue out at Yue Feng, very proud: “Brother-in-law, isn’t he envious? “


Yue Feng was speechless.

It’s more than envy, it’s simply enviable.

He and Liu Xuan have been married for more than three years, and basically they haven’t held hands much. That is, before the Mid-Autumn Festival, it developed into a kiss.

As for bathing together, that’s a dream.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xuan only felt that her face was hot, and urged Song Qian: “Okay, hurry up and wash.”

After that, the two walked into the bathroom.

After a while, the sound of rushing water came from the bathroom.

pure European style. In order to add interest, the bathroom is designed to be very large. The entire sliding door is

sitting there, planning to play with his mobile phone to divert his attention, but when

Chapter 397

and Liu Xuan laughing in

Feng couldn’t help remembering that after the last bank robbery incident, he went

a bathroom with

was very similar to the

only one at that


moment, Yue Feng couldn’t help swallowing his

time, in

Liu Xuan with a smile while blowing bubbles, and said with a smile, “Cousin, it’s been so long, you and brother-in-law

that her cousin looked down on Yue Feng, so these words ,Embarrassed to say. And this time, I feel that the relationship between the two is much better than before, and Song Qian is more

wash me well, why are you talking so much, you’re taking a shower, why are you talking

Liu Xuan felt her heartbeat speed

Feng is getting better

she was resting at night, she thought about sharing the bed, but every time she thought of this question, Liu


end, I’m not

tilted her head and jokingly said, “Ah, cousin,

turned mysteriously. He said: “Sister, are you embarrassed,

was shy and speechless, and subconsciously said:

know what to think. Can

bit of slyness in Song Qian’s eyes, she said with a smile, “This is not easy, as long as I shout for help now, my


so embarrassed that she blushed to the side of her neck all of a sudden, and scolded with a smile, “You damn girl, what are you thinking about? Don’t be fooling


be such a crooked

clueless. If Yue

she was obviously shy, and Song Qian was even more interested and said with a smile: “Haha, cousin, your face is red again, you said that you don’t

a trumpet shape,

stomped her feet with a blushing

she was about to go up and cover Song Qian’s

and then shouted,

What the hell!

what’s the situation? !

cry suddenly came from the bathroom, Yue Feng was shocked and almost startled. In the next second, I didn’t have time to think

What the hell!

Yue Feng’s body froze, and the whole person

Liu Xuan next to her was shy and

Chapter 398 The

two of


this moment, Yue Feng only felt that his head was blank,


and screamed! She hurriedly pulled a bath

moment, Song Qian also

trembled. Just now I was just trying to make fun of my cousin, and I

next second, a blush quickly



by Yue Feng.

this time, Yue Feng couldn’t help laughing and laughing. He stammered and turned to

I walked too fast and hit the glass door when I

Nima. .

quickly to the sofa.

door of the bathroom opened, and

both wore were conservative, but they still couldn’t hide their graceful curves. The

and sat on the sofa biting their heads and didn’t speak to

just now appeared in the minds of the three of them almost at the same time. For

heart could not be calm

expect my wife to be so

out to play?” Song Qian

bit her lip

get some air. Just now, my husband suddenly broke in. It’s really embarrassing, and I have to

going out.” At this time, Song Qian stood up and walked out of the living room


City is very lively at

like, are already full. When they got outside, feeling the night wind, Liu Xuan calmed down, looked at Song Qian, and said in a

I have to take good care of this cousin. Song Qian had completely calmed down at this moment, and said nonchalantly: “Actually, it’s not a big deal, it’s just that my brother-in-law looked

face came up again, embarrassed and angry: “You damn girl, you are still talking nonsense until

Chapter 399

“Qian Qian, if you continue to talk nonsense, I will go back

a smile that she didn’t like her at all. : “Okay, you can go back, just as I’m not

was very angry, but she couldn’t do anything about her. To be honest, the bathroom incident just now made Liu Xuan still ashamed. At this time, she really didn’t have

cousin, I won’t tease you anymore, I’m out anyway, let’s go

do you want to

while, clapped her hands, and said with excitement on her face: “I know that a new bar



Liu Xuan’s delicate face changed slightly, and she shook her head in resistance, “I don’t want to

rarely goes to a place like a bar, and she

the bar in her heart. Song Qian’s interest was not diminished, she held

a while and listen to music, good sister, you can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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