The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 581-585

Chapter 581

After a while, Sun Dasheng came out of the cabin with a smile on his face.

Yue Feng could feel that the aura of Sun Dasheng became a little stronger.

“Great Sage, the second rank of Martial Sage?!” Yue Feng was shocked!

Sun Dasheng nodded. That’s right, when he came out of Changsheng Island, Sun Dasheng felt that he was about to make a breakthrough. After practicing for a while, his strength had reached the second stage of Martial Saint!

When Lu Changqing passed his internal strength to him before, he told Sun Dasheng that within the next year, his cultivation speed would be many times faster than normal people. But Sun Dasheng did not expect that he would reach the second rank of Martial Saint so quickly!

“Fengzi, have you heard? Where is Hu Sanyang, the head of Kunlun?” Sun Dasheng laughed and asked.

Knowing what happened to Xiao Yuruo, he was also very angry. No matter what this time, I have to help Fengzi get the Phoenix Gallbladder.

Yue Feng smiled lightly: “At Shangwu Academy.”

“Let’s go now.” Sun Dasheng put his arms around Yue Feng’s shoulder, the two brothers looked at the sea and smiled at each other.

Shangwu Academy, Auditorium.

The opening ceremony and graduation ceremony of the students will be held here.

But at this time, although the auditorium was full, there was not a single student. Thousands of people present are all elite disciples of various sects! The major sects gathered here to discuss the plan to kill the heavens and how to destroy the heavenly gate!


The Shenhuotang in Youzhou City has been subdued by Tianmen?

Hearing this, everyone around was in an uproar.

You must know that Shenhuotang is also a big force in the arena, especially in Youzhou City, and has a great influence.

At this moment, Xuan Jing, the younger sister of the Emei faction, walked up to the stage quietly, and whispered a few words in the ear of Master Miao Yuan.

Immediately, Master Miaoyuan had a smile on his face and said, “Don’t worry, everyone, I just got the news that Tianmen disciples, after subduing Shenhuotang, all returned to the main altar! Their main altar is the previous paragraph. We can go to the main altar of Tianmen and bring a ‘catch turtle in a urn’ to Tianmen!”


Hearing this, everyone cheered up with smiles on their faces.


However, at this moment, the door of the auditorium was kicked open at once, making a loud noise!

I saw the entrance of the auditorium, and two figures walked in slowly.

It was Yue Feng and Sun Dasheng.

As a result, at this moment, Yue Feng and Sun Dasheng looked at each other, and both of them were stunned.

Nima, what’s going on?

The two of them came to get the phoenix gall. They thought that only the Kunlun faction was here, but when they opened the door, they found that there were six sects gathered here, as well as the Beggar Gang, Peach Blossom Island, and more than a dozen small sects!

At the same time, everyone present was stunned.

How did these two boys get here? The last time Yue Feng made a big fuss about the wedding, he was beaten by Master Miao Yuan, and his heart was broken. Everyone knows this! But now, everyone can feel the breath of Yue Feng, not only has he not become a waste, but has become a Marquis!

These two boys, one is a scum in the rivers and lakes, and the other is a dandy young master, they are really a nest of snakes and rats.

Master Miao Yuan stood up, pointed at Yue Feng and shouted: “Yue Feng, you scum, you dare to come here?” After speaking, she looked around and said to the major sects: “You don’t know anything. , this Yue Feng has joined the Hall of Longevity! If you don’t believe me, you can ask my disciple Zhou Qin!”

Chapter 582

“Wow!” The

voice fell, and everyone was talking about it!

This Yue Feng, joined the Hall of Longevity? Saying that he is a scum, he really deserves this name!

For a time, everyone’s eyes turned to Zhou Qin behind Mrs. Miao Yuan.

Zhou Qin nodded, gritted his teeth and took a step forward: “My master is right, Yue Feng has joined the Palace of Longevity. Just two days ago, I was arrested by the Palace of Longevity, and I saw Yue Feng on Longevity Island with my own eyes. Feng’s status is not low, he is the head of the Hall of Longevity.”


At this moment, Ye Yun, the principal of Shangwu Academy, patted the table heavily, stood up, pointed at Yue Feng and shouted: “You What a bastard! How can we teach a bastard like you in the Martial Arts Academy!”

“This kind of scum, don’t talk nonsense with him, since he took the initiative to send him to the door, get rid of him!”

“Yes, evil demons, it is not a pity to die. !”

At this moment, everyone pointed at Yue Feng and scolded him with righteous indignation!

find Hu Sanyang and ask for the courage of the phoenix. I didn’t expect that there are so many people here. At that time, he didn’t care about Hu Sanyang anymore,

already Extremely excited, recalling Wen Chou Chou’s

right, it’s me.” Zhou Qin said coldly: “That woman, who claims to be the wife

Qin has no

people in the Hall of Longevity are all evil sects,

only felt a pain in his heart, he gritted his teeth and shouted: “Why did you kill her, why

the palace master of the Longevity Palace, she should die!” Zhou Qin bit her lip tightly:

Zhou Qin, you did the

are doing good things for the

kill people, you are killing harm for the people. You really will find excuses, are you cheating on you, you sanctimonious people? , in fact, it’s a



stood up and pointed at

“What did you say?”

that our famous family is authentic?

face, “Yue Feng, I used to be blind and thought you were a good person. I just


the same words. I was really blind in the past! You killed Wen Wan, and I will never forgive

here today, you hand over the phoenix courage.


he threatening the

this moment, everyone present was stunned, thinking that

gall is? It is my Kunlun School, the treasure of the town school that has been passed down for thousands of years. You escaped last time, I was going to arrest you again these days, and I was too angry with Master Miaoyuan. I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to send it to the door, and you even

Chapter 583

Master Miaoyuan said too coldly, tapped the ground with his toes, and jumped up and down, at the same time, a long sword appeared in her In the hand: “If you can’t catch it alive, then kill it

Miaoyuan’s long sword was approaching Yue

released, and the blood-drinking sword appeared

“Clang!” The

was shaken back several steps, and a

bit inferior to face Master Miao Yuan head-on! You must know that it has been several years since Master Miaoyuan arrived at Wudan Wuhou! Her


moment, I saw Master Miaoyuan slowly raise his hand, and a

“Ten Li Qinglian.”

her lips slightly, and four cold words slowly came out

in front of her! Hundreds of green lotuses appeared around her! Those Qinglians were obviously transformed by internal


suddenly vibrated, and then the petals fell, floating in the air. Every petal turned into a sharp knife, and

give me death!” Master Miaoyuan

Whoosh whoosh!

the air, and the speed was really too fast. In the blink of an eye, Yue Feng was already stabbed into

shocked. This was also the first time he had seen Master Miao Yuan release his

the blink of an eye, the sweat

all! These thousands of sharp knives came from all directions, and there was nowhere to


in front of Yue Feng and waved his

“Dangdang!” The

film, making a metal crash

already the second rank of Martial Saint, but blocking the skill of Master Miaoyuan also made

can be seen how terrifying the strength of Master Miao Yuan

Dasheng shouted, and after completely blocking the skills of Master Miaoyuan, he reacted very

injure Master Miaoyuan, and then use Master Miaoyuan as a hostage to ask for the

Sun Dasheng


axe went down, Master Miaoyuan would have nothing

Yue Feng’s head was stunned.

wearing his own Heavenly Silkworm Treasure

Chapter 584

Qin!” Yue Feng shouted loudly, his eyes were already red: “You took away the Taixuan Zhenjing, and the Heavenly

Yue Feng always thought it was Yu Mo stolen. Because at the bar that day, Yu Mo’s

gritted his teeth and said, “It’s ridiculous to think about it. That day, Master asked me to take your Taixuan Zhenjing. I secretly blamed myself and

“Zhou Qin!”

clenched his fists, burning

crescent machete appeared in his hand, and then slashed

various sects rushed over! For a while, Sun Dasheng and Yue Feng were surrounded by a


too many people to stop him, and no one knew who had slashed him in


out in an instant! Yue Feng gritted his teeth, but he didn’t

I thought that there were only people from the Kunlun faction in this auditorium. If there was only Hu Sanyang, I really wouldn’t be afraid of him. Now that the Great Sage is already the second rank of Martial

who would have thought that there are so many people in this

a minute, Yue Feng had already suffered more than a dozen knives, and the

he chopped down seven or eight people, but he was still slapped on the chest by Hu Sanyang! At that time, Sun Dasheng vomited several mouthfuls

Sage, this time, my brother has implicated you.” Yue Feng smiled bitterly and said

Sun Dasheng clenched his teeth and swung out another


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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