The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 671-675

Chapter 671

Seeing that Yue Feng was not serious, the little fairy blushed and said coldly: “I don’t wash.” She

is the little fairy of Fuyao Palace, she is pure and clean, how could she wash with him.

Yue Feng scratched his head and said with a wicked smile, “That’s alright, if you don’t wash me, I’ll wash it.”

After speaking, he took off his shirt. After a tiring day, take a bath and relax, think about it.

Seeing that he really took off, the little fairy stomped her feet in a hurry and shouted: “What are you doing, you are not allowed to wash!”

“Why?” Yue Feng muttered: “If you don’t wash, don’t allow me to wash, this is What kind of reason? You are too domineering, completely unreasonable.” The

little fairy snorted and ignored him.

Seeing this scene, the two maids felt amused. Lord Yue and his wife are really flirting.

Yue Feng sighed, sat down and raised his trousers, and said, “Okay, then we won’t take a bath, will you wash your feet?”

As he said, Yue Feng took off his shoes.

A maid hurried over, brought a wooden basin from outside, filled a basin of hot water, and brought it to Yue Feng: “Master Yue, this servant will serve you and wash your feet.”

Yue Feng smiled and said deliberately: ” Forget it. Now, my wife is often jealous, she doesn’t like seeing other women touch me.”

Speaking of which, Yue Feng tilted his head and glanced at the little fairy: “Right, wife, so you should wash my feet.”

Hahaha, Yue Feng smirked in his heart. Seeing the little fairy’s expression, the more she looked, the happier she became.


At this time, the little fairy was very angry, and this Yue Feng was too hateful. Knowing that he did not dare to reveal his identity, he did everything possible to take advantage of him.

Er Qing got angrier the more she thought about it, strode over and kicked the tub over.


for a while, the water splashed all over Yue Feng, and the two maids next to him couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“You two also get out of here, you can’t come in without a summons.” Er Qing ordered angrily.

The two maids didn’t dare to neglect, and hurried out.

When they got outside, one of the maids touched her heart with lingering fears and said softly, “Master Yue is such a talented person, why did you marry such a lady.

” She’s beautiful and has a good temperament, I didn’t expect her temper to be so bad, she really doesn’t match up with Lord Yue.” The

voices of the two maids were very low, and they were separated by the tent, so ordinary people couldn’t hear them at all.

But the little fairy is the second rank of Martial Saint, so she can hear it clearly.

At that time, I was really ashamed and angry, and stared at Yue Feng fiercely.

It’s all this bastard, and now the entire Apocalypse military camp thinks that he is his wife.

However, Yue Feng on the side showed a harmless smile to livestock: “Forget it, let’s not wash our feet, wife, let’s rest.” As he

spoke, he was about to get into the bed.

“Go down!” Er Qing stomped her feet angrily.

This shameless person, still wants to sleep in a bed with himself?

What a dream!

In the end, she did not expect that Yue Feng stood up all of a sudden, and hit her acupuncture point directly with lightning speed.

Yue Feng shot quickly, and the little fairy didn’t react at all.

It was only for a moment that Er Qing couldn’t move, and suddenly said with shame and anger: “What are you doing?”

Yue Feng chuckled and looked at her playfully: “What are you talking about? Of course you are sleeping with your wife.” As

he said, Yue Feng carried Er Qing to the bed.

It has to be said that Er Qing is full of fairy spirit, and her figure is also very good. Thinking of this woman assassinating him, Yue Feng thought about taking care of her. The more angry she was, the happier Yue Feng felt.

The little fairy couldn’t struggle, her face flushed with anger: “You, let me go!”

Yue Feng couldn’t help laughing, and shook his head deliberately: “Then how can we do it, we are husband and wife, if we are husband and wife, we will sleep in Let’s go together.”

Hearing this, Er Qing almost burst into tears, biting her lip so hard that she was about to bleed.

Yue Feng wanted to be mad at her, but he didn’t really want to sleep with her.

At this time, seeing that she was about to cry, Yue Feng said with a smile: “Well, I can sleep on the ground tonight, but you have to call me a good husband.”

“You…” The

voice fell, Er Qing’s face The last piece was hot, like a burning cloud, and I was extremely ashamed and angry in my heart.

This bastard is getting bigger and bigger!

However, if he didn’t call, he would have to sleep with him.

How could she, the dignified little fairy of Fuyao Palace, sleep in the same bed with him. If this spread, not only will his reputation be damaged, but even Fuyao Palace will become a laughing stock.

words are really

“Do you scream?



is a rogue! She only hates herself for not being good at learning now, and for not

was so angry that she stared at Yue Feng. If eyes can kill, it is estimated

said with a smile:

he was about

this scene, the little fairy was in a hurry and almost blurted out: “You, don’t turn off the

flushed red,

Chapter 672

my wife is so

help laughing and stroked the little fairy’s

she heard the sound

was shy and angry. She never dreamed that she would really call out

don’t go to sleep!” The little fairy

sleep.” Yue Feng laughed, spread the quilt on the ground, and fell asleep happily. Of course,


morning early

when he was suddenly awakened by

like a thunderbolt from the blue, shook the ears. Yue Feng sat up all of a sudden, his heart throbbing with

horn is the

was tired. She didn’t sleep well last night because she always felt that Yue Feng would take advantage of

time, a maid’s voice came from outside the

said, and stood

door and brought in a set of armor. Yue Feng now has an official position and

serving Yue Feng and putting on his armor,

Yue and our husband and wife really know how to play, and they even have acupuncture

the feeling of

heard this, her heart was full of shame and anger, and her

are you staring at me…” Yue Feng smiled bitterly: “Those two maids like to talk behind their backs, what

point for me!” The little fairy


untied her acupuncture point.

tent, the drums

is not developed, so the army is

soldiers of the Apocalypse Continent, armed with long knives and spears, attacked

to slip away. As a result, as

and patted Yue Feng’s shoulder: “Commander Xing Yao, please

the military tent. “

sighed and didn’t know why. He was annoying when he saw them. As long as he saw

did he want me to go to the military tent

Brother Bai, shouldn’t I be on the battlefield? Why did the commander ask me to

don’t know.” Heisha spread his hands: “The two of us are just spreading

Black and White Shuangsha led

Chapter 673

Yue Feng looked at their backs, muttered softly, and


and the soldiers to discuss plans. At this time,

Yao was sitting at the top, his cold and beautiful face was extremely

the soldiers of the Apocalypse Continent and the Jianghu people of the Earth Circle Continent had their first confrontation, and the

both sides suffered damages

people from all corners of the world have come to Donghai City

time, Yue Feng and the little fairy were also taken

Feng, I have seen the commander-in-chief.”

bow, but there is no way. People have to

slightly and looked at him: “Yue Feng, you

“Yes…” Yue Feng responded.

East China Sea, I will now give you a task, you lead a few soldiers, find a way to get around the enemy’s rear, attack and harass them, you must be unprepared, and arrive at the enemy. At that time, the six major factions and those


sneak attack on the six

Feng was stunned, and his heart was

now, we must unite

a wry smile: “Commander, I don’t want to

looked at him coldly, her

would dare not obey her orders? Marching and fighting, her orders were like imperial edicts. How dare

take a few soldiers to attack the major sects in a while, and you

around the barracks. Only by holding this token can you leave the

couldn’t be more happy. How did Zhengchou slip out? With the token, he can leave

wife, stay in the military camp for the time being. Now that there are chaos outside, your wife, it is safest

the little fairy trembled, and her mood sank to the bottom. I want to go back to Fuyao Palace,

put on your armor, pick a warhorse, and quickly

choice but to

full of entanglements, she bit her lip and said softly: “Yue Feng,

last night, the little fairy has been

enchantment around the barracks, and there is no way to

to follow me?”


stomped her feet angrily,

Chapter 674 The

has one wife and one wife,

helplessly: “I also want to take you away, but the female commander just said that if you want to stay in the military camp, I can’t take

Feng didn’t lie to her, he really

the little fairy is also from the Apocalypse Continent, and her strength is not low.

is really good, and you are chatting here

black and

a smile and said to the little fairy, “Madam is worried about the task of Lord Yue, is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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