The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 1391-1395

Chapter 1391

However, Mu Xixi was already prepared, raised her jade hand, and shook the dragon back with one palm.


However, at this moment, Mu Xixi’s body froze, but she couldn’t move at all, when she saw Erlong’s laughing voice, came from behind: “Beauty, I didn’t expect it, big Dragons just attract your attention.”

Not bad!

The four dragons and four phoenixes had a very tacit understanding. Just now, the big dragon attacked from the front, which attracted the attention of Mu Xixi, while the two dragons took the opportunity to sneak attack from behind.


Mu Xixi sighed softly, although she was not afraid of danger, she was also very helpless. These four dragons and four phoenixes are too cunning and hard to guard against.


Seeing this scene, Yue Feng secretly complained that these four pairs of men and women, acting so strangely, fell into their hands, and their fate was worrying.

“You guys…”

Song Qian stomped her feet angrily: “You can’t beat my master head on, but sneak attack, it’s too despicable.”

Facing the abuse, Dalong was not angry at all, but looked at Song Qian with a smile: “This beautiful woman , The so-called soldier never tires of deceit, your master is indeed powerful, but in the end we won’t be subdued?”

Song Qian snorted, angrily ignoring it.

At this time, two dragons and three dragons put down the big net. At the moment of landing, Erlong tapped Song Qian’s acupuncture point again.


Immediately after, when Erlong was about to give Yue Feng acupuncture points, he was surprised to find that his internal power had been blocked: “This kid’s internal power has been blocked?”


As soon as the voice fell, Dalong, Sanlong, Silong and others immediately surrounded him.

The next second, Dalong looked at Yue Feng: “Hey, what’s the relationship between you and these two beauties?”

This person’s inner strength was sealed. Obviously, this kid was captured by the two beauties.

“This…” Yue Feng scratched his head: “My name is Yue Feng, her name is Song Qian, and I am her brother-in-law. The beauty next to me is called Mu Xixi.”

Da Feng on the side looked at Yue Feng with a smile, Twisting his graceful body, he walked up to Yue Feng and joked: “Yue Feng, Yue Feng, this name sounds good. Brother Yue Feng, I think you are very handsome. Are you interested, accompany my sister? Just kidding !”


Yue Feng was stunned.

Seriously, I’ve met quite a few women, but as open as Sifeng, this is the first time I’ve met them, and if I haven’t met them yet, I want to be friends? Too unrestrained.

The next scene made Yue Feng’s jaw drop.

Seeing Dalong walking over with a smile, he wrapped his arms around Dafeng’s waist and said with a smile: “Wife, compared to this Yue Feng, who is more handsome?”

“Haha…” Just finished speaking, Erlong came over, also hugged Dafeng’s waist, and said with a smile: “Dafeng, I think, this Yuefeng is not as handsome as me.”

Facing the intimate actions of Dalong and Erlong, Dafeng smiled lightly, There was no resistance or dissatisfaction at all, just as usual.

What the hell!

Seeing this scene, Yue Feng’s mind went blank and his whole body was messed up.

Is this Dafeng the wife of Dalong or Erlong’s wife? Why did Dalong also hug her waist, and Erlong also hugged her waist?

Nima, the relationship between these four dragons and four phoenixes is too chaotic.

“That’s right.” At this moment, Erlong looked at Yue Feng and was very curious: “Yue Feng, your sister-in-law, why did you seal your internal power?” The

voice fell, and the big dragon and the phoenix also all Looking at Yue Feng, he was very curious.

“This…” Yue Feng scratched his head and smiled bitterly: “My little sister Song Qian, she sealed my internal power because my sister and I had a relationship problem and we were no longer together, and then I was with someone else. The woman had an affair, so the little sister caught me.”

Oh…that’s it!

Hearing this, the Four Dragons and Four Phoenixes nodded suddenly.

Immediately, Dalong touched the tip of his nose and said to Song Qian, “Little sister, your brother-in-law had an affair with another woman, so you arrested him? This is your fault. It’s human nature to love a man and a woman. You see. We have four dragons and four phoenixes, and eight of us have had relationships between men and women.”

Nima! Yue Feng’s head is buzzing, these four dragons and four phoenixes are really avant-garde thinking.

Thinking to himself, Yue Feng nodded with a smile: “You guys are really open-minded, thank you for your understanding, to be honest, I really admire your demeanor, if you don’t dislike them, let’s hand them over. How about a friend?”

When he said this, Yue Feng’s mind quickly turned.

Yue Feng didn’t really want to make friends with them, but a temporary stopgap measure. You must know that the four dragons and four phoenixes are so strong, and Yue Feng’s internal power is sealed. If you do it directly, you can’t beat them at all. Only by stabilizing them well can you find a chance to rescue Mu Xixi and Song Qian.

“Brother-in-law, you…”

Seeing this scene, Song Qian was so anxious: “How can you make friends with them?”

These four dragons and four phoenixes are not serious people, what’s wrong with brother-in-law? ? It was so annoying to have a relationship with them.

Thinking to herself, Song Qian wanted to say more, but was stopped by Mu Xixi.

“Qian’er, don’t worry!” Mu Xixi said in a low voice, her expression did not fluctuate: “Your brother-in-law has his reasons for doing this.”

When saying this, Mu Xixi gave Yue Feng a meaningful look. .

Mu Xixi’s ice and snow are smart, but Yue Feng’s purpose for doing this, she can see at a glance. Mu Xixi knew that Yue and Feng didn’t really want to be friends with the Four Dragons and Four Phoenix, but to confuse them.

For a time, Mu Xixi’s affection for Yue Feng greatly increased. This Yue Feng’s ability to adapt to changes is not ordinary.

Chapter 1392

“Haha…” Feeling the sincerity of Yue Feng, Dalong laughed and nodded: “Brother Yue Feng is so eloquent and suave! I also hit it off at first sight! We are willing to make brothers with you!

” That ‘s right, the so-called four seas are all brothers…”

“We’ll be friends in the future, haha…” The

four dragons and four phoenixes are unrestrained and do whatever they want. Seeing Yue Feng’s sincere desire to make friends, all of them are suddenly heartbroken. good feeling.

Especially Da Feng, seeing that Yue Feng is not only handsome, but also has a free and easy personality, he immediately fell in love.

The next second, Da Feng came over, took Yue Feng’s arm, and smiled charmingly: “Since we are friends, let’s go together, don’t worry, my sister will cover you in the future.”

When saying this, Dafeng’s soft and delicate body rubs against Yue Feng from time to time, which is extremely sultry.

The big dragon next to him, without any intention of being jealous, looked at him with a smile.


Dafeng, Yue Feng couldn’t help swallowing his saliva

these people are really letting go, especially this big phoenix, whose sultry skills are so perfect, how can an

his heart, Yue Feng squeezed out a smile: “Then thank


time, Erlong walked over with a smile and said to Yue Feng, “If you can get the favor


and Song Qian all the time. Obviously, when night fell, they

Can not be done!

Qian earlier, and we must not let these four evil pens ruin their

and four phoenixes began to travel in the mountains and waters, playing

looking for opportunities to quietly release Mu Xixi and Song

what makes Yue Feng depressed is that Da Feng has

know it,

small town

suggested with a smile, “Let’s rest in the

you have a


I remember that after

cover, the


guys are pretty good at

Yue Feng couldn’t help crying and

town, Erlong deliberately bought delicious wine and side dishes at the tavern, and then the crowd

I saw a small abandoned temple on a beautiful hillside. The small temple is not big, but there are several rooms intact, which can

the small temple, the four dragons and four phoenixes placed delicious wine and side dishes, and lit a bonfire next to

“Come on, brother!”

said with a smile: “Beautiful wine and beauty, happy life is

” arms.

dodge, and sat beside Yue Feng with a smile: “I want to accompany this

laughed: “Okay, okay.”

put his left arm around Erfeng and his right arm around Sifeng. Erfeng and Sifeng smiled and


scene, Mu Xixi and Song Qian

Mu Xixi and Song Qian knew that the relationship between the four dragons and four phoenixes was chaotic. At night, when they saw them being more open, they felt extremely

three dragons and four dragons also got into trouble with Sanfeng. While pushing the glass for a change, drinking fine wine, and chatting playfully at the same time. Of course, what they talk about is all meaty

also drank fine wine with

you want to let them relax their

wine, five flavors

Chapter 1393

face was red, but his mind was still

Feng next to him leaned over with a smile and whispered in Yue Feng’s ear: “It’s getting late, my sister will accompany you

Da Feng said His hands hooked around Yue Feng’s neck, and



waved his hand and said, “Go and rest

and they didn’t know how they would be treated in the future. How can I

smile: “What’s the matter? Am

Feng has always


honor to be

have no interest in you at all. Let’s just be ordinary friends.

Xixi in

anymore, but then again, Mu Xixi was as beautiful as a fairy, especially her charming temperament, Ren He’s man would be


face flushed

of appearance, he is very beautiful, but compared with Mu Xixi, he is not

Feng making fun of her master, Song Qian stomped her feet anxiously:

Yue Feng was pretending to be

seeing him make fun of Mu Xixi, he still

all, that is his own

slightly and gave her a


Yue Feng did this just to get rid


this time, Da Feng reacted and sighed softly: “Okay, Hua Luo is intentional, and Liu Shui is ruthless.” After

between men and women is chaotic, but when it


couldn’t help laughing, and they all made fun of

charming and charming, but I didn’t expect

is suave, and his sister-in-law, Song Qian, is so charming, and it

, you better stay

their teasing, Da Feng didn’t take it seriously, holding the wine glass gracefully, poured himself a

a few dice, threw them into the empty bowl in front of him, and said to Erlong with drunkenness, excitedly said: “Three brothers, the wine

Xixi tightly, and a wicked smile appeared


as the words fell, Erlong, Sanlong, and Silong suddenly became excited, rubbing their hands

“Hurry up.”

just waiting for

Xixi must

What the hell!

is rhythm? Yue

to win the enjoyment of Mu Xixi’s master

Feng still didn’t know that it was not the first time that the Four Dragons and Four Phoenixes played like this. Every time they met a beautiful


“You shameless people, whoever wants to

Chapter 1394

phoenixes are so disgusting, what do you think of her two masters? He even rolled

changed, and she was very angry, but she held back and looked at Yue Feng, thoughtfully! He has successfully gained the trust of the four dragons and four

“Little beauty!”

a smile: “Don’t worry, I will win the dice later, I will


made Song Qian feel uncomfortable, her

that the situation was not good, Yue Feng quickly stood up: “Hey, brothers, you are not


voice fell, and the four dragons looked

and said: “What’s wrong? Brother? You want to be a part too? This is your sister-in-law and her

smiled: “This Mu Xixi is

face was cynical when he


this, Dalong looked at each other in dismay,

knew that Brother Yue Feng is also a man of temperament!

roll the dice together. Whoever wins will belong to Mu Xixi and Song

couldn’t be more excited, and a confident smile appeared on his




The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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