The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 1416-1420

Chapter 1416


Looking at the underwater palace in front of him, Yue Feng was stunned for a few minutes before he could react, and then slowly walked into the ruins of the palace.

Yue Feng’s heart was surging, and he turned around in this abandoned palace. This palace is about the size of the current Apocalypse Palace. It also has tens of thousands of rooms and dozens of halls!

After turning around for a while, Yue Feng arrived at a collapsed palace, and saw that this palace was different from others. There were many pill furnaces in it. Not only that, but on the shelves next to it, there were many jade bottles with pills.

Roughly speaking, there are hundreds of these jade bottles.

Holy crap, so many pill furnaces?

Yue Feng’s eyes trembled, this palace should be the alchemy room, right? Yue Feng was excited in his heart, half-walked and half-swam, and hurried away.

When he came to the front, Yue Feng was shocked when he saw the words on the jade bottle, and he couldn’t tell the joy and excitement.

“Jade Bone Pill, Wuji Pill, Jiulu Linghua Powder… I’m going, so many top-quality medicinal pills?”

The medicinal pills in front of you are all recorded in the Wuji Pill Technique, but many medicinal pills require materials that are extremely rare.

Take Jiulu Linghua San as an example, it needs a kind of flame heart grass, but this kind of flame heart grass can only be found near the magma deep underground, so it is extremely difficult to refine.

Back then, the emperor of the Dagan Dynasty was addicted to the art of medicinal pills, and specially invited many alchemists to concoct pills for him. Unfortunately, before these medicinal pills could be enjoyed, the dynasty was destroyed!


Yue Feng took a deep breath, unable to restrain his excitement.


Sure enough, the catastrophe is not dead, there must be blessings, I was seriously injured, and I just need medicine pills to recover, and now I have so much.

God is so blessed, do not eat for nothing.

Thinking to himself, Yue Feng didn’t have time to think about it, picked up the jade bottle in front of him, and swallowed the medicine pill directly.

After taking Jiulu Linghua San, followed by Wuji Pills, Yugu Dan…

Anyway, these are all great tonic pills, and eating more will not endanger life. Yue Feng ate hundreds of medicinal herbs in one go!


Yue Feng forgot one point, the more serious the injury, the more hasty he should not take medicine pills, especially if he takes a lot of medicine pills.


After swallowing several hundred medicinal pills together, Yue Feng regretted it, and he felt a heat current raging all over his body, and the burning sensation became stronger and stronger, attacking Yue Feng’s nerves.


Yue Feng couldn’t help shouting, rolling on the ground.


I knew I wouldn’t eat so fast.

Muttering in his heart, Yue Feng wanted to cry but had no tears. Under the constant tumbling, Yue Feng finally blacked out and passed out.

Yue Feng didn’t know how long he had slept. He seemed to have had a long dream. He dreamed that there was darkness, and there was a light in front of him. Yue Feng kept running in the darkness, rushing to the light.

Finally, Yue Feng slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, Yue Feng found himself floating on the sea, the burning pain on his body disappeared, and replaced by an incomparably full force.


Yue Feng took a deep breath, indescribably excited!

Fifth stage Martial Emperor!

I didn’t expect that I would survive the hardship and improve my strength.

Excited, Yue Feng looked at the vast sea around him. When he was in a coma, wasn’t he inside the moat? Yue Feng scratched his head, then thought about it, the moat should be connected to the sea!

Chapter 1417

Muttered, Yue Feng didn’t think about it anymore, and quickly swam to the shore. As a result, the more you swim, the more uncomfortable it feels.

This shore, isn’t Donghai City? What the hell, I drifted all the way from the moat of the Apocalypse Continent to the Earth Circle Continent? Yue Feng couldn’t help laughing bitterly. Soon, when he got to the shore, Yue Feng could clearly see that not far away, there were four figures rushing on their way, each with an anxious expression.

Still an old acquaintance! Duan Feng four brothers!

“Sect Master?!”

At the same time, Duan Feng and the four also saw Yue Feng, shouted in surprise, and walked over quickly.

When he got to the front, Duan Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and said excitedly: “Sect Master, I finally found you!”

The three Duan Yu next to him were also extremely excited.

Yue Feng was also overjoyed and asked, “Why are you here?”


brothers glanced at each other, and then Duan Feng sighed: “Sect Master, something happened to the Ouyang

he said this, Duan Feng was ashamed


startled and quickly asked, “What

clenched his fists and slowly told the whole

that after the incident in the ancient tomb of Lv Bu, all the sects returned to their respective continents, but Gonggong did not leave. Knowing the relationship between the Ouyang family and Yue Feng, Gonggong came to the door

over Diaochan. After all, Diaochan was Lu Bu’s woman. Gonggong believes that Diaochan will also fight

said angrily: “During this period of time, the Gonggong went to the Ouyang family to be important, and finally said, if you


Yue Feng immediately became

too much. He can’t

It’s just too nasty!

asked, “By the way, what happened

of Lu Bu, his three brothers were besieged. Yue Feng was taken away by Ling

Master Sun and Palace Master

Wenge have nothing

thought of something: “What about Big Brother Zhu? It’s

Zhu Bajie was there, would that

Feng scratched his head and thought about it, and said, “After the major sects left the ancient tomb, I didn’t see that Mr. Zhu. We don’t know where he is

of workers has harassed the Ouyang family three times and twice, and the subordinates are incompetent, knowing that they are not her opponents, so they didn’t act rashly, so they came out to look for you everywhere! I didn’t expect


and now the Ouyang family is in trouble again! Yue Feng

24th, Sect Master!” Duan Feng quickly

this, Yue Feng had an idea in his

in a coma for a long time before, that is to say, Ren Yingying’s martial arts recruiting meeting will take a few

Feng looked at Duan Feng and said: “You four, go to Tianqi Continent

For the slightest violation, he immediately

figures go away, Yue Feng didn’t have time to think, jumped up, and flew in the direction of the Ouyang family. When Yue Feng flew up, he was completely stupid! Before, I had eaten hundreds of elixir in the underwater palace. At this

Chapter 1418 The

stage of

take a long time to cultivate, but I’m different, I can eat the magic pill! Yue Feng was extremely

several hours of flight,


seeing the scene in front

that the door was closed, the entire Ouyang family was empty, and

How could this be?

Yue Feng was stunned!

and looked around. As a result, there was no one in the


be that… Gonggong went on a killing spree and wiped out

this, Yue Feng wiped a cold

Meihui, where are

to the back garden, to

are many footprints at the entrance. The footprints were cluttered, and it was clear that the entry was

the family members into the Peach Blossom Forest. Only in this way can he

to himself, Yue Feng was so


this moment, in

Forest, nearly a thousand people gathered there, all of them

Ouyang Zhennan and everyone in the family, including Diao Chan, Xiao Yuruo, Su Qingyan and Xiao

days, a full five days passed, and they were completely trapped

times and twice, Ouyang Zhennan knew that he was invincible, and in desperation, he had to take everyone

a high-level trap, and has always been regarded as a forbidden place by the Ouyang family. Over

“Patriarch Ouyang…”

bit of shame, and she said to Ouyang Zhennan, “It’s all me, it’s

didn’t get along for a long time, Diaochan could feel it. The justice and kindness of the

never feel at ease for the rest of your

Zhennan smiled: “It’s not

said this, Ouyang Zhennan was very

Ouyang family, a well-known and prestigious family in the Earth Circle Continent, was so embarrassed

gently comforted: “Miss Diaochan, don’t say that, we definitely have a way to

to the car to the front of the mountain, and there is another village. We will look for a way later and see how we can leave

smiled, and a warm current rose in

so good. Although I lost my favorite Lu Bu, I met so many kind

a sneering sneer next to him, with a

It is Ouyang Jingwen!

tomb, Ouyang Jingwen has returned

Chapter 1419

the forbidden area

At that time, Ouyang Jingwen’s eyes swept across Su Qingyan and Xiao Yuruo,

and Su Qingyan looked at each other and said nothing. After staying in the Ouyang family for so long, they are very aware of

for me!” Ouyang Zhennan couldn’t

getting more and

didn’t dare to say more, she mumbled,

a time, the atmosphere was very


not far away, and then, a handsome figure walked over

It is Yue Feng!

and was about to meet him, but before he took two steps,

under the volcanic crater, he didn’t eat or drink for a year, that’s because the aura was strong under the volcano. Now Ouyang Zhennan and others have been hiding in the peach blossom forest for

Feng’s eyes were quick and he quickly supported Ouyang Zhennan, very ashamed: “Foster father, I’m sorry, I


waved his hand: “You don’t have to blame

“Yue Feng?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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