The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 551-555

Chapter 551

“Okay!” Yue Feng nodded, hope is better than no hope!

Jiang Shan sighed and bit her lip: “In addition… I can tell you this method, but you have to promise me one thing.”

When she said this, Jiang Shan’s expression became a little complicated.

Yue Feng didn’t even think about it, and nodded again and again: “Aunt Jiang, what are the conditions, you can say whatever.”


Jiang Shan sighed lightly and looked at Yue Feng seriously: “It’s the last time, Jing Wen You led to the Peach Blossom Forest, I hope you don’t tell your adoptive father, and never mention it again in the future.”

It turned out to be this matter.

Yue Feng didn’t even think about it, he nodded and agreed: “Don’t worry, Aunt Jiang, I will never say

anything about this matter.” Compared with Yuruo’s life, what is this matter?

Jiang Shan smiled and said slowly: “Okay, then I’ll tell you. This girl was sucked out of the blood by the “Netherworld Magic”. This kind of practice was passed down from Tianqi Continent thousands of years ago. So, the masters of the Apocalypse Continent may have a way to cure her. If you bring her to the Apocalypse Continent, there may be hope.. But… But this girl has only a few hours to live… I’m afraid it’s too late ..”

Apocalypse Continent?

After listening to her words, Yue Feng felt a burst of joy in his heart!

That’s right, the “Netherworld Magic” that Hu Sanyang cultivated was given to him by Emperor Tianqi! Ren Yingying is the princess of Apocalypse Continent, will there be a way? !

“Yuruo, I’ll go out and make a call!” Yue Feng said anxiously, rushing out the door.

When he got outside, Yue Feng couldn’t wait to take out his mobile phone and called Ren Yingying. At the last meeting of the two classes, he and Ren Yingying left each other contact information.

On the other hand, Ren Yingying is watching a movie with Liu Xuan.

The two women are so beautiful that they are the focus wherever they go. Some boys in the cinema didn’t have the heart to watch movies, and looked at them from the corner of their eyes.

“Xuan’er, where is your husband?” Ren Yingying couldn’t help but ask in the middle of the movie.

The last time she was tied to a tree by Yue Feng, she couldn’t be tortured by the formation method, so she had to beg Yue Feng for mercy. Every time Ren Yingying thought about this matter, she felt very ashamed. But the grievances with Yue Feng did not delay her and Liu Xuan’s best friend relationship.

And Ren Yingying could see that Liu Xuan didn’t know Yue Feng’s identity or that Yue Wudi was Yue Feng.

“My husband?” Liu Xuan held a bucket of popcorn and smiled lightly: “My husband hasn’t come back for two days, and the phone can’t get through… By the way, why did you ask him all of a sudden?”

“Just asking casually . ..” Ren Yingying blushed. Thinking of the scene of being humiliated by Yue Feng again, his teeth itch with hatred.

The most irritating thing is that when the twelve guards were about to arrest Yue Feng that day, Yue Feng was rescued by a man and a woman.

These days, Ren Yingying was looking for Yue Feng everywhere, wanting revenge, and humiliating him severely. But Yue Feng was like the world evaporated, and he couldn’t find it at all.

At this moment, Ren Yingying’s cell phone rang suddenly.

The movie theater is a very quiet place, and this sudden ringtone made Ren Yingying the focus.

Ren Yingying smiled apologetically and stood up slowly: “Xuan’er, wait for me here, I’ll go take a call.” After speaking, she walked out of the studio.

She thought that the call was from her subordinates, but she took out her mobile phone and looked at it, and she was stunned.

Yue Feng? !

How dare you call me? !

Ren Yingying bit her lip and quickly picked up the phone.

Just after the connection, Yue Feng’s anxious voice came: “Ren Yingying, there is one thing, you must help me.”

Good you Yue Feng, you humiliated me and want me to help you?

My Princess Yueying, when have you been begging for mercy? This account is not calculated, can I still help you? Go dream!

While thinking about it, Ren Yingying smiled playfully: “Yue Feng, Yue Wudi, your dignified Tianmen Sect Master, you still have time to beg me?” I

only heard Yue Feng over the phone, anxiously saying: “Ren Yingying, Sister Ren, you must help me!”

“What sister Ren?! Who is your sister Ren?!” Hearing his words, Ren Yingying stomped her feet angrily and reprimanded.

“Last time in the formation, didn’t you call me Brother Yue… and I’m older than you, it’s normal to call you sister…” Yue Feng said helplessly. Why is Ren Yingying still angry?

“You still mentioned what happened last time!” Ren Yingying’s eyes darkened.

Last time, this Yue Feng used the formation technique to make himself itchy, and he couldn’t take it anymore, so he asked his brother Yue to beg for mercy. The matter has passed, this Yue Feng even mentioned it again!

Chapter 552

“Yue Feng, you are still counting on me to help you, are you flooded with water?” Ren Yingying said coldly.

Yue Feng was sweating profusely, and said to the phone, “Ren Yingying, I know you are still angry with me. In the formation that day, I shouldn’t have treated you like that. Can I apologize to you? I really do. I need your help with something, as long as you help me, you can let me do anything!”

Yue Feng’s voice was hoarse, and he almost shouted. Bean-sized beads of sweat fell down.

This time, Ren Yingying became interested: “Then tell me, what do you need me to help with?”

“I have a friend who has been sucked in, can you cure her!” Yue Feng asked expectantly write.



Ren Yingying raised her eyebrows lightly, and asked subconsciously, “But the essence of being absorbed by the “Netherworld Dafa”?”

and there is the Netherworld Dafa! This exercise has always been hidden in the palace’s scripture pavilion. Because this exercise is


said quickly, “You,

and a smile appeared on her face: “I’m not that much. Great ability, I can’t save it.”

A deep sense of disappointment spread in Yue


the phone suddenly came to a turning point: “But I know a needle technique, called Silver Needle

Silver Needle Extension? !


Yingying said with a smile: “As long as this person still has a breath, I can use three silver needles to stick on her body. Let’s save her life for three months. But during this period, the patient is only

A hint of arrogance appeared on Ren Yingying’s

than one

the national teacher for a long time, and then the national

Yue Feng said urgently: “Then trouble you, help

be cured completely, but she could continue her life for

phone smiled

you anything!” Yue Feng was dying of anxiety: “As long as I have

done?” Ren Yingying

will agree to any conditions!” Yue Feng took

I haven’t figured out the conditions yet, so you remember your promise, and I’ll put

Feng responded seriously: “Don’t worry, what I said, I will definitely recognize it. I am in Ouyang Mansion in Zhongzhou City, can

Chapter 553

his nose was


hours later.

and the moment she entered Ouyang’s gate, Ren Yingying was secretly amazed. The Ouyang mansion in front of you is quaint

a smile: “There are rumors outside that you were adopted by Patriarch

family has a

no mood to talk about this, with a smile on his face, he led Ren Yingying to

the bed, Ren Yingying was stunned and said in surprise, “It’s her who

Yingying had also seen her. , know that she is the eldest miss of the

into a deep sleep before Yue Feng

please start quickly.” Yue Feng nodded and

was not in a hurry at all. She looked around, looked at the colorful flowers and the big red happy characters in the

very beautiful. It’s not enough to have Xuan’er, and now you have hooked up with a young lady of

and said, “Can

Yue Feng was almost sweating

hurry.” Ren Yingying’s laughing branches trembled, and she whispered: “You remember what

you a condition!” Yue Feng

Yingying nodded with satisfaction, and with

hand slowly pierced Xiao Yuruo’s wrist. The shot is quick, and the force

and watched quietly, not daring to let

acupoints that the silver needle pierced were all large acupoints in the human body, and Xiao Yuruo would be killed if

Yuruo did

the last silver needle pierced, Ren Yingying clapped her hand:

this moment, Xiao Yuruo’s pale complexion had recovered a bit of rosy. But she lay motionless on the bed and fell into a

move or speak now. But she can hear the outside world.” Ren Yingying said with a smile, her voice changed: “But there is one thing, I

away With a smile on her face, her face is serious: “The silver needles can only be used once. Therefore, the three silver needles on her wrist must not be pulled out. Even if they are pulled out, it will not work! If they are pulled out, she will wake up. Back

Yue Feng

Xuan’s villa. During the three months of her life, let her

Chapter 554

Ren Yingying said, and then waved her

this, Ren Yingying turned and left

bed, Yue Feng did not dare to go to bed, for fear

it’s cold and hard. The next day, Yue Feng took Xiao Yuruo to Donghai City with

way, Yue Feng took out his mobile phone and called Duan Feng. Let him lead all the disciples of Tianmen to investigate the way to


Feng brought Xiao Yuruo

that there was no one

this time, Yue Feng was a little complicated in his heart. She wondered if Liu Xuan

Yue Feng called Liu

seconds, the call


Liu Xuan was overjoyed: “You finally called me, where have you been

Feng, Liu Xuan was almost dying of anxiety

tone, “I

lot of noise on Liu Xuan’s side, as if there

are you?” Yue Feng asked

of excitement and smiled, “I’m watching the concert! Zhang Yunhan’s concert is on Donghai TV. It’s so lively here! Husband, come

Zhang Yunhan’s concert?

stranger to this name. Zhang Yunhan, that

school, Zhang Yunhan became popular all over the country with his song “Invisible Wings”. Her music album,

years, although Zhang Yunhan has rarely released albums, he is still active in various variety shows. In the past two years, he has

said that Zhang Yunhan is definitely a legend in the music

the concert hasn’t started yet! I’ll wait for you!”


for Xiao Yuruo, it would be

Donghai Satellite TV Building.

been a beautiful sight in Donghai City. All major parties in Donghai City are

caused a sensation in the entire Donghai City. Many children from rich

were countless luxury cars parked in the square outside the building,

help sighing secretly. I have to say that Zhang Yunhan’s influence is

of her own company is already very famous, but she is a newcomer after all, and her impression is much different from that

is even bigger than the

the crowd and directly entered the rest area of ​​the venue. Just now, Liu Xuan sent him

the rich family had a special rest area. And those ordinary

It was already full by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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