Chapter 135

Seeing that Renee refused to give up, Stefan didn’t try to persuade her anymore. He just turned around and left with a cold expression on his face.

When he returned to the very center of the summit forum, he instantly caught everyone’s attention. Stefan turned his head slightly, speaking to Elijah who was standing behind him. ” Inform Wyatt Haughey to publicly announce that the summit will be blacklisting Azure Group. All companies, and I mean all companies, are banned from partnering with them!”

Not only did the annual Global Technology Summit provide the top companies a platform to promote their products, the most important section within the summit was the forum. With big shots from different countries gathered in one place, they would all discuss the future development of the industry, similar to a conference meeting.

As the CEO of H Group, Stefan’s electronics company accounted for seventy-five percent of the market, so he was definitely considered the most powerful of them all.

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible.” Elijah gulped, replying carefully, “There’s a rumor circulating that Wyatt Haughey won’t be re-elected this year, so he might not have the power to publicly announce which company he wishes to blacklist.” (1)

the president of the Electronics Technology Association

quite a significant amount

spokesman of the association.

the association had always been Wyatt, who had been trained by Stefan himself. This was why H Group could receive so many permits within the field. If there had been an election within the association this year,

been re-elected, logically speaking.

words made Stefan narrow his eyes.

were in the running for president in the association, and Wyatt just seemed rather average compared to them, even with H Group backing him. However, it is rumored that the newly appointed president is much more powerful, as

rivals, and emerge as

guy came to join in on the fun too.” Stefan raised an eyebrow, pondering to

business field would cast their votes to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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