Chapter 213

“Brother Stefan, Sister Renee, it’s been a long time since I watched a movie. Let’s go see one!” Jane chirped energetically, and held their hands as they walked towards the cinema.

“Umm…” Renee stole a glance at Stefan. She figured that watching a movie would be a boring activity for Stefan given his status and position surely he would refuse Jane’s request.

However, he said indifferently, “I haven’t watched a movie in a long time too. The new animation called Soul Travel should be nice.”

“You know about Soul Travel?” Renee asked immediately, her eyes lighting up. “I’ve been wanting to watch that movie! I heard it’s good, but not many wanted to watch it, so they don’t play it much. If we don’t watch it now, it’ll soon be out of theatres.”

Stefan nodded. “True. It’s about saving one’s soul. My Grandma Coco, which is produced by the same company, is pretty good too.”

“Yeah, I liked that one. I watched it when it was first released, and cried like a baby in the cinema…”

They found that they were both film enthusiasts, and had watched almost the same movies as the other. Their comments and understanding of the movies

you were just an emotionless capitalist who only

always thought that you were just a dumb and gullible pretty

start. They held their tickets and went to line up to enter the hall. The line was long, and Stefan stood behind Renee in the line. They were

suddenly felt like something was amiss. “Stefan, do you

tilted his head slightly and inquired. “What’s

widened and she

eyebrows raised in surprise. They looked at each


Jane’s name. She was so nervous that her voice

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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