Chapter 558

It was one in the morning. Everything was quiet and peaceful everywhere else, but here at Water Dock, things had only just warmed up. It was the most chaotic time of the day, when all kinds of colorful characters began to show up.

Renee had come to Water Dock on her own, with nothing but a ‘top-secret” map of the area that she bought at a high price from the second-hand market. She headed straight to Carmine Pawnshop.

Water Dock had indeed lived up to its reputation. It was every bit as much of the lawless, “no man’s land” it was rumored to be, where burning, looting, robbing, and killing took place at almost every corner. Anything that was too sickening to be found in civilized society was nothing but a normal occurrence here. It was truly a dreadful place to be.

The whole area of Water Dock was actually not that large, but it was divided into three main zones-upstream, midstream, and downstream.

The upstream area was at the outermost edge. It was relatively the most” normal” zone here, where a trading center was located. Here you could find all kinds of goods, and if you looked hard enough, you might even leave with a good deal in your hands. It was certainly the safest area in the Water Dock.

Things began to stray off the beaten track in the Midstream zone. Here you would find illegal casinos, illegal racetracks, illegal brothels, and an illegal marketplace for all kinds of shady goods. This was also a place where you could find groups of thugs and ruffians who had no fear of death. They would do anything for you as long as you agree to their price.

Unsurprisingly, people get killed here every day.

let alone set foot there. It was just as Liam had described-even

in the center of an absolute hellscape, and just from this fact alone, one could guess what kind of man Mr. Q, the

desperate to get the money, she would’ve never even imagined having anything to do with such a shady guy. But she was not afraid of him in the least. After all, she used to be an infamous figure herself back when she was still

she had two children to think of now. This made her a lot more cautious than she was in the past. Back then, she would dive headlong into

lot in the upstream zone with a plan to go to the famous

the upstream zone. It also acted as the entrance to Water Dock. Because of its special location, many rare treasures from all around the world

shouting, advertising their wares to the rest of the market which was

take a look! This is a genuine glass urn from Ulria! It’s the only one of

Legend has it that these were blessed by angels! These are only meant for those who


rare treasures all around her as she strolled through the market. Never would she have guessed that there would be such an exciting “treasure trove” right here in Beach City,

smaller stall attended by an old man with a gray beard and dark skin who was engrossed in playing his fiddle. His stall was relatively simple and somewhat shabby compared to the others around it, consisting only of a table covered by a coarse linen cloth where a few pieces of jade, ancient paintings, ceramics, and other knick knacks were lined up on. It was hard to tell where these objects came from, but they

these treasures. She looked closer and realized that they were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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