Xavier was afraid that Justin might escape, so he tightened his grip, but...

something felt wrong.

The body in his grasp was soft, and it didn't feel like Justin.

In fact, it felt like...

However, before he could come to a realization, someone slapped him.

"Xavier, you jerk! Just what do you think you're grabbing?" Leia blushed and smoothed her clothes, then slapped Xavier again.

"I thought you've changed and become more polite, but it seems you've just become a bigger pervert.

You're disgusting!" Stunned, Xavier realized that he had grabbed the wrong person...

and the wrong part.

explain, "No, I wasn't trying to grab you or

swear..." Xavier rubbed

I wanted to be handsy with you, I would

do it on purpose; you have to believe me." Everyone

said jokingly, "Did you hear that? He's

we'd better leave them alone." "Agreed, we shouldn't

better let them play the game by themselves, maybe they'll be a couple by the

Justin crossed his arms

mistake, I'm telling you! The real pervert is nearby!" He was referring to

Immediately, everyone went silent.

pervert in the area, but not among the

you know? Tell us now!" Xavier's eyes widened when he realized

say? I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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