Chapter 1808

At night, Renee finally breathed a sigh of relief after putting the children to bed.

Renee stood at the large balcony in her room, enjoying the cool night breeze under the dim moonlight.

"Do you want a drink?"

Leia walked into Renee's room, her eyes bright as she carried two cans of fruit beer with a high alcohol percentage.

When Renee heard Leia, she turned around eagerly.


She hadn't had alcohol since she turned blind and got poisoned.

It had also been a long time since she had been this relaxed.

"Wait! Leia dragged a chair over to Renee, then ran downstairs and brought up a large bag of takeouts."I bought some fried prawns and French fries.Let's have a feast tonight!"

"Sure! It's been a long time since I had fried prawns!"

the tasty

she couldn't eat spicy food, but over the past few years, she was learning to try food

unscrewed the cans and clinked them

put on gloves and started peeling

the spicy sauce coupled with the taste of the fruit beer

"This is great! "

burped and

were both in good

felt very sorry for you

couldn't hold her

got drunk easily, and would

was my fault.I was useless, and I've wronged you.If I had kept an eye on you, that crazy Jovan would not have taken you away...That guy even tried to sow discord between us.He said you hated me, so you wouldn't call me! I'm so sorry, Ren.I got too distracted and didn't take good

Renee's shoulders, tears in her

are you

as a long

my fault.I knew my mental state wasn't good, so I stayed away from you all because I didn't want


you? I feel like you were in more pain when you were poisoned

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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