After breakfast, Renee bade Jamie goodbye and returned to Everheart Manor.

All the people in the manor were anxiously waiting for her, and when she walked in, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank goodness! Ren, where did you go last night?" Leia asked worriedly, looking Renee up and down.

"I got drunk last night and went home, and when I came back today, they told me that you were missing.

I nearly called the cops!" 1 Renee slowly entered the manor and laid on the sofa, then said calmly, "I was fine.

I just slept in my neighbor's house." "You slept in your neighbor's house?" The atmosphere immediately grew tense.

Xavier walked over and asked tentatively, "Which neighbor? Is it the house...

across from this?" "Mim." Renee nodded and rubbed her aching head.

"Ugh, hangovers are torture.

night again." Her calmness was


special person?" Leia

probably staying at the manor

so indifferent? What


and look like him." Although she was drunk last night,

practically carved into

"Are you...

Justin asked finally, folding

up and scanned the worried faces before

I did meet my nominal husband Stefan, the

surprising, but Renee's reaction was even more

happened then? Did he explain anything? Why was he

decide if Justin had any chance to be with her, so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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