The subordinate responded politely, “Yes, sir.”

Nathan sighed in resignation. He intended to keep his promise, but he couldn’t understand what Suzanne meant by a faithful husband.

Suzanne’s injuries healed completely after three days.

It had also been three days since Nathan had gone to see Sally. Suzanne hadn’t so much as caught a glimpse of him after that.

Her mood worsened, so she decided to visit the training base to pick up some self-defense skills.

Her womanly figure stood out in a place full of men.

Not too far away, Sally appeared alongside Special Assistant Lucas Vega.

She pouted, displeased. “It’s been three days. Why hasn’t Nate come back?”

important matters to take care of, but he should be

eyes glinted coldly when she saw Suzanne practicing self-defense.

“Madam—” Lucas started.

as if she deserves that title. That woman’s a scheming bitch and is willing to do anything to achieve her goals.

and continued speaking ill of Suzanne. “She used to be an escort and slept around


had been helping her. “I’d like to learn a few more moves. Could you teach me?”

coach smiled warmly. “Of

over angrily and sneered at Suzanne. “I’ll

Suzanne was perplexed.


patted the coach’s shoulder and gestured for

Lucas, especially given the glare he was giving her, but she had no idea why

me, Mr. Vega?” Suzanne

stand up for Nathan. He replied coolly. “Close combat.”

choice but to face his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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