The Wrong Woman

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

“Thanks for dropping me off.” As soon as the car rolled to a stop, Suzanne said her thanks and got out quickly with her purchases. She slammed the car door behind her and strode over to a shabby house.

There were two ruffians smoking in front of the house.

Nathan could tell at a glance that Suzanne’s destination wasn’t typical. The ruffians outside were clearly standing guard.

He told the driver to call for backup before getting out of the car and following Suzanne.

The two ruffians seemed to know Suzanne. They let her in easily but stopped Nathan when he tried to follow.

Nathan pointed at the door. “That woman you just let in is my wife. Let me in with her.”

One of the ruffians smirked. “Samuel’s sister is your wife? You’d have better luck telling me I’m your fucking father, mate.”

Nathan had no desire to keep the conversation civil; he knew that people like these only answered to violence.

Eyes darkening, he clenched his fists and struck quickly.

His powerful blow struck the ruffian in the back of his head. He knocked him out instantly.

panicked. He tried to reach for the knife behind him, but before he could draw his weapon, Nathan punched him. He collapsed to

handkerchief from his pocket and wiped

the door.

a long corridor and emerged into a dim

corner drew

the crowd and was shocked by what he

a man’s head; Suzanne herself was

man was screaming in pain on the ground while trying to get the sack off his head.


She seemed like she had every intention to

to help the man. They just

sister is

to the frontiers and you lived to come back, you’d probably do the same. In fact, I’d have just

“Good job!”

he still owes me a lot of money, you know. Are you going


stopped when her arms got tired. Drenched in sweat, she stopped

the sack and

expression, his words died

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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