The Wrong Woman

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

The Morrisons crowded around Vera as they asked her how she was doing and showed their concern for her.

Suzanne felt out of place, so she decided to leave the ward. Soon, she arrived at the corridor outside the garden on the first floor. She sat on a stone bench and settled her gaze on the shrubbery in the distance sullenly.

Suddenly, a man’s deep and rich voice shattered the silence.

“What are you thinking about?”

Suzanne snapped out of her thoughts right away. She tilted her head to look at the source of the voice.

Nathan had already stopped next to her at that time and sat on the same bench as well. His presence was strong and domineering, as always.

Suzanne’s heart tightened at the sight of him. Her body stiffened before she slowly adjusted her sitting posture.

“Nothing,” she replied coolly.

Nathan’s lips curled into a small smile, though his eyes darkened slightly. He asked in a chilly tone, “Did you overhear our project?”

Surprised, Suzanne turned to look at him in confusion. Nathan did the same as well, his gaze firmly pinned on her clear eyes.

The moment they made eye contact, Nathan realized Suzanne had beautiful and clear eyes. In a way, they were mysterious as well.

remind her. “Project

why Nathan suddenly asked her this

truthfully, “I did overhear a detail or


time, his voice came out cold

was confused. What did Project Foghunt getting leaked have anything to do with her?

could Nathan be suspecting her?

aggrieved. “Are you suspecting

Mr. President and a

case, Suzanne was definitely quite

Nathan’s suspicion, but she had not idea what the exact details of Project

a serious tone. “I don’t know the details of your

his eyes coldly at Suzanne. He took his

on a business trip, I used the opportunity

in surprise,

“As a result, I dug up another identity of yours ththat’s quite

definitely being ironic.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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