The Wrong Woman

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

The pleasant meal soon came to an end.

Once they were done with lunch, Nathan told Suzanne to take some rest and then headed out with the tray in hand.

Outside the dormitory, Cole and Lucas saw Nathan making his way down with the empty tray.

Cole leaned over and whispered, “General Morrison took his time with

that meal.”

“Maybe Mrs. Morrison takes her sweet time eating,” Lucas said.

“He seems to be in a good mood.”

Seeing Nathan approach them, Lucas quipped, “That’s about to change.”

Nathan came to a stop in front of the pair.

“General Morrison,” they both greeted in unison.

Nathan’s expression grew serious as he walked past them. He


it and

“Yes, sir.”

tray in hand, ambling alongside Cole as they trailed behind

Nathan asked

narrowed down the suspects to 12 people. The investigation is still in progress,” Cole

lab work going?” Nathan questioned as they walked.



with it, and even the recently

his pace. “Did they fix

mystery hacker. The

drill happening?”

paused, looking a

getting frustrated. He had a bunch of problems on his plate, and each one felt

it out,” he prodded.

above. Some explosives were found at the drill location, so it’s canceled for the time being.” Cole sounded


Lucas sensed the gravity of Nathan’s responsibilities, but there wasn’t much they

more thing we

a string of bad news, one more piece of

“Speak,” he commanded.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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