The Wrong Woman

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

The vice-captain sneered. “Yes, the clan will not let traitors off the hook. You somehow managed to get away the last time, but your luck has finally run out.”

Suzanne paled. She felt her head spin and staggered backward. Her

mind went blank.

The vice-captain pulled out a gun and aimed it at her.

Suzanne couldn’t believe this was happening. She was a spy sent by the Nightshade Clan to steal secrets from Nathan before she lost her


The vice-captain approached her slowly with the gun.

He snarled, “Nathan is beginning to suspect me. He will soon find out that I was the one who tried to assassinate you last time. My identity has been exposed; soon, he’ll discover yours too.

“You’re going to die sooner or later, either by the clan’s hands or


Suzanne had never hated herself as much as she did at this moment.

She could accept her past as an evil woman. Even if she was corrupted and filthy back then, she could still start afresh.

But why did she have to be a spy? She could never wash away her sin. She was a criminal-an enemy hated by both Nathan and the nation.

She didn’t want to die at Nathan’s hands.

Suzanne felt like a part of her died. “Just kill me.”

The vice-captain cocked the gun at Suzanne.

She slowly closed her eyes. She didn’t dare to hope for another life.


A person like her could never wash away her sin. She would never be good enough for Nathan.

A gunshot suddenly rang out.

Suzanne trembled but felt no pain in her body.

a warm chest enveloped her, pulling her tightly

Nathan’s familiar scent

slowly opened her eyes. Tears blurred her vision and her body went limp in his arms.

didn’t you run like I told you to?” Nathan

Suzanne didn’t respond.

“General Morrison, he’s

near Suzanne’s ear, the

her up.

by the death of a.spy. His heart was still racing from

fate of the vice-captain would be her fate soon. She couldn’t imagine how painful it would be

not think about

her shoulders and gently pushed her away from him. Only then did he see her pale face and

you scared?” Nathan asked with concern.

tears flowed even more freely. Still, she didn’t reply.

another word, Nathan lifted her into his arms and walked


the waiting vehicle.

the hospital. After confirming that she was fine, Nathan brought her back

hid under

than to sleep right now.

He left the dorms to go back

went to

the video, Suzanne initially ran to where the soldiers were. But the spy had said something to make her stop in her tracks. Soon after, her emotions became increasingly erratic.

uneasiness within Nathan grew as

to the dorms. He wanted to check on Suzanne

stepped out of the office, Lucas rushed over urgently. H blurted, “General Morrison, Madam has returned to Phoenicia. This is the

he took the letter from Lucas. He tore it open and read the neat handwriting:

my stay. I’ve gotten better, so there’s no

forgive me for leaving without saying

fist and crumpled the paper. His


sinister smirk suddenly stretched across his face.

This was the first time Suzanne

him this way.

entire letter felt alienated

him or sent him a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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