The Wrong Woman

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Wendy turned around and said sarcastically to Lindsey, “Aunt Lindsey,

is it so difficult to admit that Suzanne is better than your darling Elyse?”

“I…” Lindsey was at a loss for words.

Nathan slowly stood up and went to hold Suzanne’s hand. “Come on.

Let’s head back to our room.”

Suzanne felt uneasy but she still let Nathan lead her away.

Wendy began arguing with Lindsey again.

Layla was fuming. She went over to the couch, feeling angry, and kicked Duke. “Had your fill yet? What are you waiting for? Let’s go!”

Duke returned to his senses and hurriedly followed Layla out.

Tobias and Cheryl shared a look of disbelief. They found it hard to believe that it was Suzanne, someone they looked down on the most, who had played the piano just now.

Meanwhile, Gary was quietly talking to Florence.

“Who knew Suzanne would be so talented, darling! My mother really has a good eye!” Gary exclaimed.

too. Not only is Suzanne a famous artist,

his head in wonder. “I don’t think that’s all to it.

uses her talents for personal gain. I think these are just Suzanne’s hobbies and



think those ugly rumors about her

angrily, “They were definitely made up. Suzanne is such a beautiful and talented young woman. She’d never use

catch anyone speaking ill of Suzanne from now on, I’ll be sure to

the room, still shocked. She wasn’t sure

then faced Suzanne, hands on his waist. He took a deep breath to calm himself, but

at the ceiling and sighed. Suzanne had astounded

mysterious she re was. If Suzanne

worried. She kept on fiddling with he

a finger against his forehead.

weakly, “This is the first time I’ve played the piano in three years since I woke up. I didn’t

talented artists can produce phenomenal work within a year


nodded in

then said, “But piano is different. It

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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