The Wrong Woman

Chapter 200

Chapter 200

Suzanne cast several backward glances as she walked. She felt at ease watching the drugs in the warehouse get engulfed by the flames.

All of the drug traffickers were headed this way once they noticed the building on fire.

The pair passed through the forest and reached the country’s border–it was the edge of a bottomless cliff.

Under the

at moonlight, the drug traffickers were still engaged in a

gunfight a few miles away.

There was a blazing drug nest in front of them and a cliff behind.

Looking at Nathan in disbelief, she asked, “Did you climb up from here?”

Nathan didn’t reply. He surveyed his surroundings and brought her behind a huge rock, motioning for her to crouch down.

He fished a flare gun from his pocket and handed it to her.

“Half an hour from now, a helicopter will come for you. When you see it hovering above you, fire the flare gun. Someone will come for you.”

you going?” Suzanne asked, holding onto his

tucked the hair

the stolen weapons. He’s still

go of his hand. “Are you going to investigate the matter on

pursed his lips bitterly and caressed her head affectionately. “Stay here and wait for the helicopter to rescue you, okay?”

tears. Shaking her head,

“I’ll be fine.”

with both of her hands. Afraid of losing him, she anxiously swallowed and said, “I beg you, Nathan.

can send someone for me, you can send

stolen weapons.

put yourself in danger

her cheek. Then, he

Suzanne York’s husband. I need to keep you safe.”

tearfully, “Let’s wait for the

his pocket and cupped her tear–stained cheeks. with both

be more dangerous than me. investigating while everything is currently in chaos,”

father, someone’s husband or someone’s son,” he continued, “They could even be the sole breadwinner of the family.

the place, the enemies‘ forces are spread out. It’ll be easier for me to investigate.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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