The Wrong Woman

Chapter 247

Chapter 247


There was still a lot more information in the live stream.

Suzanne couldn’t bear it any longer. She lay sprawled on the sofa, her mind in chaos while her tears brimmed. At this moment, she yearned for Nathan more than ever.

If things escalated, she might have to unveil her true identity. But in the face of two compelling DNA test reports, no one would believe her words. The law itself seemed skeptical, let alone the online trolls.

Her phone buzzed. Suzanne picked it up, and there was a message from Samuel.

“Dear sister, Mom, and Dad demand 80 million dollars in alimony. You deal with it.”

With a forceful slam, Suzanne hurled her phone to the floor. She lay on the sofa with her eyes shut. Her body trembled, and her stomach twisted with anger and pain.

‘Who am I? What is my true identity?” she cried inwardly, drowning in sorrow and indignation.

fell. Nathan disembarked rom the plane with his two

shrouded in darkness. He switched on the lights as he stepped in.

the shattered phone on the loor. He picked it up and set it

gaze fell upon Suzanne, who was sleeping


tender and affectionate gaze fixed on Suzanne’s serene sleeping face. Seeing the traces

twinged with

was meant to be a cherished and joyful gem of the Hoffis family. Yet, she had been subjected to so

he glimpsed the online information,

as soon as he touched her, she opened her tearful eyes.

threw herself into his arms, and hugged him tightly. She buried her

“Nathan, you’re back?”

anxious sobs, Nathan’s

her hair to soother, saying, “I’m here

as she spoke, The York family is despicable. I don’t mind

they’re doing this to ruin your reputation, making you a laughingstock

until she couldn’t hold back her tears any longer. “What should we do? Everyone on the internet is attacking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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