The Wrong Woman

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

hile Nathan and Fenna were busy yaoking in the kitchen, Suzanne ok out her phone and searched for the advanced combat aircraft ey had discussed earlier. To her surprins sishe realized it wasn’t rouded in secrecy at all.

is prized combat aircraft was the most dvdvanced aerial weapon obally, boasting unparalleled performancecard combat capabilities.

en Norvania, with all its resources, lacked ththe expertise and chnology to construct such sophisticated weaponry and had to rchase them at high prices from overseas.s.

eanwhile, Cameron lounged with his coffee, hisiddemeanor relaxed dcarefree. His gaze leisurely drifted around the cocoom, exuding an

root casual ease.

inggsiside her phone, Suzanne turned to Cameron Cameron, sisidering the hefty price tag of the advanced combat aircrcraft, why t we enaanufacture our own?”

htly takkan aback by Suzanne’s engagement in the discassion, neroniquidlovlyregained his composure, his smile radiating charm.” not that sishipple. Our shortfall lies not in funds but rather an in inology and dlskilled labor.”

leterred, Suzannae persisted, “Then why not buy one and reveverse ineer it? It shouldn’t be too difficult to replicate.”

Cameron, Suzanna’s’s suggestion sounded naive, prompting a a

realized the potential impoliteness. “No,

opting for silencee,

but our nation lacks such skilled

talented individuals abroad for education, hoping

those who possess real capabilities are lured away by other nations offering superior opportunities and seldom return. We do have some returning elites,

in understanding. “I

Cameron redirected

toward the bookshelf. “I enjoy reading, and drawing, and I

in acknowledgment, his gaze reflecting

now comprehended why Suzanne didn’t engage in household chores or pursue a career. She was raised in a wealthy family and was unaccustomed

continued for a while and they sat to eat

discuss work while dining. She understood what they were saying, but she

sensitive to Suzanne’s demeanor, made occasional attempt: to offer her dishes and gently probe about her meal

to draw her into conversation.

silent, quietly attending to

on Suzanne, concerned that she might not find the food to her

bored. He made suttle effions

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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