The Wrong Woman

Chapter 274

Chapter 274

Nathan rubbed his temple and checked the time on his wristwatch. Then, he ordered, “Look into Oliver Hoffis’ records in the past ten


Cole replied, “Will do, Mr. Morrison.”

Nathan turned to Lucas. “Lucas, send some men to monitor Sally. Figure out how Sally and Oliver got in touch with the Dark Shadows Society.”

Lucas sounded reluctant. He pleaded, “Mr. Morrison…”

Nathan went ahead, “Also, send some bodyguards to protect Zach and Loretta Hoffis. I don’t want anything happening to them.”

Lucas was practically trembling from anguish. “Mr. Morrison, you’ve been busy enough with the Norvanian military. Why would you waste time on her family matters? She’s not worth your effort after what she had done to you.”

Nathan disregarded Lucas’ protests. He got out of the car and

entered the main complex of Sudvilla. Lucas and Cole followed su

Nathan walked past the living room and headed to the study. His two assistants followed behind closely with much concern.

Lucas called out to Nathan worriedly, “Mr. Morrison, please rest in your bedroom. I’m begging you.”

replied, “I’m

he refused to lie in bed. Every time he closed his



file. “The two of your should get to work as

Morrison…” Lucas stomped his feet angrily.

a stern expression. He


sounded grave but weak. “Get out

and Lucas exchanged a look and

against the car without

glared at him. “What are you doing? Do you

Cole furiously, Do you still care about the car at this point in time?

will feel pain, exhaustion, and sadness! Don’t

He replied earnestly, “What else could I do? He doesn’t drink or sleep. He’s numbing himself with

in the hospital’s direction. “I’ll abduct her and keep her

in Sudvilla.”

Mr. Morrison’s private life. He’s

Then, he tugged at the seatbelt with all his might, releasing his resentment on it.


took the driver’s seat. Before driving away, he made

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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