The Wrong Woman

Chapter 432

After Mila and the others reached the Morrison residence, she discussed her plan to take Daniel overseas for treatment with Gary and Florence. Both of them showed their support for the idea. They were willing to give it a shot as long as there was a chance to save Daniel. However, convincing Daniel to go along with treatment in Sunterland was proving to be difficult. Gary and Florence left the decision-making entirely to Mila.

When Mila went to see Daniel at Maple Abode, she noticed a significant transformation. He had shaved his face and trimmed his hair short. He looked rejuvenated and fresh in his casual white outfit. Although his appearance had changed, his physique remained frail and lifeless, as if devoid of soul.

Sienna wheeled Daniel out onto the balcony so he could soak up the sunlight. He sat there quietly with his eyes shut, not reacting even when Mila said hello.

Mila introduced Simon to Sienna. Then, they all gathered on the couch and enjoyed some coffee while Mila explained the reason for their visit. When Mila suggested sending Dan to Sunterland for treatment right away, Sienna was surprised. She asked, "Take him there today? What's the hurry?"

Mila sighed and explained, "I'm sorry, Sienna. It's a sudden decision. I want to take Dan overseas for treatment. Can you join us?"

"Sure, no problem,” Sienna agreed, but she hesitated before adding, "But convincing him won't be easy.”

Mila glanced back at Daniel, who sat in the sunlight. He looked fragile and desolate like a withered tree. She left the living room and approached him. She crouched down next to him, gripped his cold hand, and studied his gaunt face.

It's not permanent. Please don't lose hope in yourself, Dan. Is there truly nothing left in this world that holds meaning for you? “Your family cares deeply about you. They all want to witness your recovery. Would you still want to live if your legs and eyes were

Daniel remained silent.

to waste your breath. I've already told him these things countless times every day, and I've even tried

Mila glanced at Sienna and asked, "So, what

placed her hands on the handles of his wheelchair and leaned in

each word. "I want to announce that I've decided to take you abroad for treatment. Whether you agree with it or not, I'm going to

straightened up and turned to Mila with a warm smile. "There you go. He

looked at Sienna with surprise, then turned

guys stay here," Sienna said as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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