The Wrong Woman

Chapter 461

Phoebe was curious about what had happened between Mila and Nathan, but she held back from asking. After all, relationships were private matters, and outsiders couldn't contribute much.

Mila and Phoebe checked into a hotel together.

In the following days, Mila remained occupied with managing Loretta's affairs.

Since Loretta preferred a modest funeral and to have all her family members present, Mila chose not to hold an elaborate ceremony. Instead, she found a serene cemetery and laid Loretta's remaining ashes to rest there.

Mila disconnected from the outside world, avoiding news updates and corporate matters. Each day, she secluded herself in the hotel, working through her grief.

Simultaneously, she began studying the map of Norvania, hoping to uncover clues about where Oliver might have hidden her family.

In the evening, Phoebe returned to their room with food she had picked up from the hotel lobby.

Concerned, she urged, "Mila, please have something to eat. You've barely eaten in the past few days, and you're losing weight."

“I'm not hungry,” Mila replied, sitting by the coffee table, deeply engrossed in studying the map.

She meticulously analyzed each region, trying to pinpoint Oliver's potential hideout.

Phoebe set the food in front of Mila, insisting, "You really need to eat something, Mila."

Raising her eyes, Mila nervously glanced at Phoebe and asked in a serious tone, "Phoebe, did you plant any listening devices at Hoffis Manor?"

"Yes, I did, but

anger as she processed

from Oliver's proficient counter-surveillance measures that he was


Morrison's team and mine are already discreetly tracking Avery.

Phoebe's hand, guiding her to

confided, "Phoebe, I need your assistance with

for you. You don't need to ask;

and spoke softly, "Phoebe, I want to return to Sunterland alone. Can you stay in Norvania and continue helping me search

stated, "I can't do that. My priority is ensuring your

begging you. You're the only one who can help me find my family now." "But Mr. Morrison has been tirelessly

without your support, I won't have the courage to return

help but

couldn't resist Mila's plea, and she agreed to stay and continue aiding her in the search

final decision was to depart Norvania with Simon. Before leaving, she requested an extra half-month’s


Sunterland wasn't solely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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