The Wrong Woman

Chapter 508

Nathan put one hand on Mila's stomach and stroked her hair with the other.

A flood of emotions overwhelmed him as he said, "If you hadn't lost your memory, we wouldn't have met in this lifetime, and I wouldn't be married to

you. Wanda, I've loved you for more than 20 years, ever since we were children, haven't I? Wanda?"

Nathan looked at Mila, who was lying in his arms. When he saw she was fast asleep, he couldn't help but smile blissfully and kiss her.

Late in the night, there was a sudden knock at the door. Nathan turned on a dim light which illuminated the dark room. He turned to Mila. She was

fast asleep next to him.

When he saw that she wasn't disturbed, he quickly pulled the covers aside and went to open the door. He pushed Cole outside. Then, he closed the

door so as not to wake Mila.

With a nervous look, Cole said, "General Morrison, our target has taken the bait."

Nathan's eyes lit up in response. "Right now?"

"Yes, the target's heading to where they're hiding."

Nathan felt a surge of excitement. "Have we found their hiding place?"

nodded. "Yes, it's in Hoffis

serious. "The most dangerous places are often the safest ones. That's

Morrison, we've had informants at Hoffis Manor watching Avery's every move for

with anything

been suspicious?"

then replied, "No. She only stays at Hoffis Manor except

a few important meetings,

"Go on."

brother moved into Hoffis Manor a

has a brother?"

brother who went abroad to study when they were young, but

information on him."


a nod to Nathan, he immediately answered

the other end.

Morrison, our informant has found a hidden underground passage at Hoffis

to leave Mila, he instructed firmly, "Arrange a flight

it," Cole

change his clothes. He gently leaned over the bed and kissed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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