The Wrong Woman

Chapter 565

Nathan walked along the garden path, his eyes focused on the gazebo up ahead. The breeze and sunshine enveloped him.

As he approached Gary, Florence, and Wanda, he silently vowed to safeguard them for as long as he lived.

Inside the gazebo, Mila felt a strong gaze upon her. Looking up, she locked eyes with Nathan.

With a gentle smile, he approached with confidence. He seemed to glow from a distance.

Mila couldn't help but smile as warmth flooded their exchanged glances.

After hours of deliberation, they were still searching for the perfect name.

Despite Nathan's suggestion to take their time, Gary and Florence were completely engrossed in their search for the perfect name. Their dedication to this task surpassed even their commitment during their time as students.

As night descended, Mila disregarded the maternity nurse's advice and insisted on sharing a bed with her son. She positioned herself in the middle, with Nathan on one side and their son on the other. It wasn't until later that night that she realized the nurse had been right.

her son began to cry, prompting Mila to wake up immediately to prepare formula. Hearing the noise, Nathan woke up as

prepared the formula, fed the baby, changed his diaper, and

formula, feeding, and burping the baby. After soothing the baby back to sleep, Mila

She faintly heard her son cry once more at 4:00 am.

she found Nathan cradling their baby. He was soothing their son from

accustomed to military life, yet he was now tenderly tending to their baby in the quiet hours

the night's demands, Mila

filled the air once again. Mila groggily opened her eyes to find Nathan taking their son

one night, Mila already felt that the

catch a few hours of sleep during

himself hadn't slept at all. Despite his packed schedule and limited rest,

guilt. She would

to rest, unlike Mila and Nathan, who were

the door creaked open, and Mila

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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