The Wrong Woman

Chapter 562

Nathan guided Cameron into the study. As soon as the door clicked shut, Cameron burst out, "Nate, I've pieced everything together. Fenna isn't a spy!

"It's unjust to have the Intelligence Agency interrogate her over a single act of defiance. She's been detained for a whole week now. You have to find a way to bring her back home!"

Nathan settled onto the couch, motioning for Cameron to sit opposite him. He calmly said, "Take a seat and let's talk."

Frustrated, Cameron headed to the couch and sat down heavily. He leaned forward anxiously and insisted, "I'm telling you. Fenna is innocent!"

"A year ago, I never would've imagined Lucas turning against us," Nathan said.

"How can you even compare Lucas to Fenna?"

"Why not? Lucas wouldn't even think about going through my phone without asking, let alone disconnecting my calls or turning my phone off. But Fenna did."

Feeling powerless, Cameron let out a deep sigh. "Yes, what she did was wrong and foolish. But, Nate, have you thought she's acting this way out of jealousy or possessiveness because she's fond of you? She

"That's just a

silent right

innocent, the Intelligence Agency will let her

She's stuck in jail, stripped of her freedom! Who knows how she's holding up and how

never been through such an unfairness and hardship before. This interrogation

steely as he emphasized each word. "Then, maybe this is

as he gazed at Nathan in disbelief before blurting out, "Has our friendship of over a decade meant nothing to you? Are you even

mention of their friendship ignited a fierce anger within


have backed Mila's suggestion to transfer Fenna. They wouldn't be in this mess

spoke, "My family is falling apart because of Fenna! Do you realize how

"What does Wanda have to do with

his voice filled with icy anger. "Wanda's always been sweet and kind. She never mentioned the sneaky things

Phoebe hadn't informed me, I wouldn't have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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