The Wrong Woman

Chapter 582

Fenna glared at Mila, her eyes filled with resentment. "Why couldn't you have stayed in Sunterland? If you didn't interfere, Nate wouldn't be treating me like this. I would still be his most reliable and competent assistant."

Feeling exasperated, Mila let out a cold snort, finding herself utterly speechless. She had no desire to prolong the conversation.

Indeed, the depth of Fenna's obsession made reasoning with her impossible.

Fenna snapped, "I won't cause trouble for you, but I won't abandon Nate either."

With that, she turned on her heel and walked away.

Exasperated by her remarks, Mila sank back onto the sofa, taking a moment to compose herself. Glancing over, she noticed Phoebe looking unusually despondent, her gaze fixed on her phone.

Sitting beside Phoebe, Mila gently wrapped her arm around her shoulders. "What's troubling you? You don't actually believe what she said, do you?"

Phoebe managed a bitter smile and shook her head.

"Why not just ask Cole directly? That would clear up any misunderstandings, wouldn't it?"

Phoebe forced another strained smile. "We're not even a couple, so what right do I have to confront him?"

"But do you genuinely have feelings for


that clueless guy. I bet he's never even confessed his

at her words,

let it get you down too much. When he's back from his

expression as she replied, "I'd rather not bring up this topic.

you don't have to. I'll handle it," Mila reassured

home after running their errands. Coincidentally, they spotted Cole at the entrance, inspecting his car's engine. Stepping out of

was deeply embarrassed, a flicker of simmering anger evident within her. "Mila, let's not

I've got your

looked up. When he spotted Phoebe, his face softened into a gentle

evening, Mrs. Morrison," Cole greeted

I visited a nearby town today with General Morrison and stumbled upon a delightful

distance, Phoebe replied nonchalantly, "No,

aback by her attitude, a

Phoebe but hesitated, aware

Did I upset you?" he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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