The Wrong Woman

Chapter 602

Despite Phoebe's tearful pleas, Mila remained indifferent to her own needs. With Nathan still missing, she lacked the motivation to wake up. She reclined once more and shut her eyes, softly saying, "Phoebe, I'm okay. I just want to rest a little longer. Wake me up when Nate returns."

"Mila..." Phoebe broke into tears, alarmed by Mila's condition. This was a side of Mila she had never witnessed before.

Previously, Mila would readily shed tears over the slightest grievances, her heart easily swayed by sadness. But in the face of Nathan's accident, she remained strangely composed.

Instead of being consumed by tears and hopelessness, Mila slept soundly, almost as if untouched by the tragedy.

Nonetheless, her deep slumber seemed to signify more than mere exhaustion-it hinted at a profound resignation toward life itself.

Witnessing this version of Mila filled Phoebe with an even greater sense of dread.

As news of Nathan's accident reached Zach, he immediately mobilized search teams to scour the river, gradually expanding their search area.

However, Zach found himself increasingly troubled as he observed Mila's deteriorating condition. She refused to eat or drink, lost in an endless cycle of sleep.

Despite Zach's efforts to coax her, Mila remained unresponsive.

Whenever she stirred awake, her first question was always, "Is Nate back yet?"

Nathan absent, she would simply

day, the family physician, Peyton Walsh, arrived

Peyton administered the injection, Mila seemed detached, displaying no interest in the IV drip, almost as if she were disconnected

Walsh?" Mila called

her with a nod and asked, "Ms. Hoffis, how are you

not hungry, and I have no desire to eat. Dr. Walsh, have

Peyton shook his head solemnly. "Mr.

her hand fumbling in the space beside her. "And what about my

him out to feed

Please wake me if my husband

her, Mila remained oblivious and apathetic.

and Florence came to check on

overwhelmed by the thought of Nathan's continued absence, coupled with Mila's apparent lack of will to live and the fact that Jasper was still so young. Unable to hold back her emotions, she quietly

Peyton, his desperation evident. "Dr. Walsh, what's going on with my granddaughter? Why is she acting

to eat or drink. She also doesn't even seem to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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