The Wrong Woman

Chapter 655

"You'll always love him and never truly forget him if I spare him." Oliver rose to his feet and commanded, "Fire! Kill him!"

"No!" Mila's cry was filled with sorrow.

The gunfire erupted, and a dozen of bullets struck Nathan. Blood soaked the grass as his tall figure fell forward, tumbling into the prepared pit.

Mila felt powerless, crawling forward on her knees. Her heart felt as though it had been ripped apart, the agony piercing her bones. Every limb of hers felt numb and her stomach twisted in torment, making it hard for her to breathe.

"Nate..." she cried out. There was no strength left for her to approach Nathan's body.

The icy wind pierced her skin, and the relentless rain drenched her. The armed men lowered their weapons and exchanged them for shovels, starting to bury the body.

Oliver strode toward Mila, seizing her with a forceful grip, his voice thundering, "He's gone, and your love for him dies with him!"

Mila broke free, stumbling forward until her strength gave out and collapsed.

Oliver dragged her back. In a frenzy, she bit his arm, wishing she could end him with one bite. Oliver winced in pain and immediately released her.

forward, Nathan's

picked up their guns, aiming at

rain beat down on her, numbing her to the core. Her body ached as her tears flowed as violently as the storm. "Nate, hold on..." Mila's

leave me and Jasper!" Mila cried out, her

go on without you?" Her breath

her relentless efforts, the soil piled on Nathan remained thick. All her fingers bled from the

and beneath Oliver's watchful gaze, Mila's hands

pulled with all

her away. The two men picked up the shovels


her, her heartache overwhelming her as she succumbed to

a clearing sky, and a rainbow arched on the

too real. Real enough to feel the pain

rose slowly from her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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