The Wrong Woman

Chapter 682

"I don't want to go in. I just want to go home," Sienna said. She felt too uneasy to enter Daniel's house.

Reluctantly, Daniel agreed to take her back. During the ride home, they exchanged contact information to keep in touch.

As soon as they arrived, Sienna quickly exited the car and hurried upstairs, almost as if she was running away.

Daniel stepped out of the car, feeling a weight in his chest as he watched Sienna rush off. He understood her need for space and decided to give her time to adjust.

After all, this was just the beginning, and rushing things wouldn't be good for either of them.

Sienna resided in a five-story, old apartment building. Its age was evident, probably around 50 or 60 years old.

Daniel strolled through the property, checking the fire hydrant's functionality. Then, he turned his attention to the weathered electrical box affixed to the wall and surveyed the nearby shops.

He saw a few hair salons in the alley next to the building. They looked open for business, judging by their storefronts and interior decor.

However, Daniel noticed something strange. No hairdressing tools were found on the counters, and the floors were spotless, with no cut hair anywhere. Plus, the salons were tucked away deep in the alley.

snapped a photo, and sent it to his colleagues in other departments with a message. "Whenever

to scout the area for any potential

more and more peculiar shops. He even noticed a woman sitting on a bench outside one, batting her eyelashes and saying, "Hey handsome, want to hang out?" Daniel sighed and walked away. The narrow alleys among the aging residential buildings were affordable to rent, secluded, and ideal for illicit activities like this. Such places drew in unsavory characters. Feeling unsettled, Daniel got into

hid under her

meet a friend for coffee and do some writing, but she found


that made her feel like she was losing her

composure. Determinedly, she mumbled, "Pull yourself together and focus. I need to commit to this

her laptop. Since she didn't have much experience with romantic relationships, she

a healthy distance from

to your mistakes without being

special treatment make you arrogant or

don't try to test

about your feelings instead of

Respect your boyfriend's privacy.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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