The Wrong Woman

Chapter 686

Holding Sienna's hand, Daniel walked past Vivian and Molly. He didn't want these unimportant people to bother them anymore.

Vivian got angry and turned to yell at Daniel as he walked away. "Daniel, don't you want to know who the middleman who contacted me before was?" Daniel halted, and Sienna stopped, too. She looked at Daniel's serious face, then back at Vivian.

"I can tell you," Vivian said.

Molly frowned at Vivian, whispering, "Viv, don't say anything reckless."

Jealousy had clouded Vivian's judgment, making her impulsive.

Daniel led Sienna back to the duo and calmly asked, "Who was it?"

Vivian's stare locked onto their entwined hands. Her eyes grew steely, and her tone harsh. "If you come with me now, I'll lead you to him."


"Daniel, it's all right. We can go out another time. Focus on

warm smile. Sienna's empathy touched him deeply, yet he remained mindful of

under our responsibilities as police officers. Your cooperation with the investigation is a

you to meet him

believe I'd break a promise to my girlfriend just to get a clue from you, especially when there's

at Daniel with

sway me, so don't even think about it," Daniel stated calmly. He reached for Sienna's hand and led

with rage, her eyes ablaze with anger as she exclaimed, "Don't you care about


glanced back at Vivian, who stood as still as a statue. Even from a distance, she could sense the intensity of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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