The Wrong Woman

Chapter 745

Sienna was overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. She rummaged through drawers, hastily grabbing socks and underwear before shutting them abruptly and leaving in a rush.

An impulse to flee consumed her. She pushed the thought away, trying to distract herself. But the more she tried, the more she felt a painful prick in her heart.

Upon her return to the hospital ward, Daniel was already asleep. She carefully set down the duffel bag and sat on the bedside, watching over him.

Her eyes followed the slow drip of the IV, then drifted to his handsome, peaceful face. A tinge of sadness welled up within her.

Sienna couldn't comprehend why Daniel would cling to the ring Vivian had given him, even after the harm she had repeatedly inflicted on him.

Vivian had endangered Daniel's life before, and now she was causing him further suffering. Why did he still harbor feelings for her?

The more Sienna dwelled on it, the deeper her sorrow grew. Leaning against the bedside, she reached out instinctively to Daniel's hand, her movements gentle and deliberate as she intertwined her fingers with his.

A profound emptiness consumed her, leaving her feeling utterly insecure. She dreaded the possibility that Daniel might still hold affection for Vivian.

touch in his hand, Daniel slowly opened his eyes and found Sienna sleeping beside him, their

face. He hadn't expected her to return after being

and happiness, Daniel squeezed Sienna's hand tighter, feeling her presence soothing in the quiet hospital room. The sufferings he endured seemed insignificant with

wore off, Daniel quickly arranged to leave the hospital. Sienna urged him to stay for another day of

task awaiting him at the police station. He changed into the clothes Sienna had brought,

he escorted her home. Along the way,

the dim yellow glow surrounded them, causing their

looked down and murmured, "I'm heading back

as she turned, taking hold of her arm and

above her head. "Is everything all right? You've seemed down since we left the hospital. Is there something on


"Yeah, I'm fine."

if there's something you're struggling with, you need to tell me

Sienna hummed in response.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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