The Wrong Woman

Chapter 747

Daniel headed to the police station and organized the team for their night operation. At 4:00 am, a large group of police officers raided the production area on the hill in the nearby town. Residents near the hill were woken up by the sound of gunfire in the middle of the night. As the sun rose, the blaring sirens of numerous police cars echoed throughout the area.

Sienna's Facebook feed was flooded with updates. Still half-asleep, she was jolted awake by Jane's phone call. Sienna answered the call in her dazed state.

Sounding excited as if she just downed an energy drink, Jane exclaimed, "Sienna, Sienna, hurry and get online! Check Facebook. Oh my goodness, we've got more big news from our area! Last night was so intense!"

"Our area?" Sienna sat up, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Jane quickly corrected herself. "No, it's the next town over. You know, the one where they've fenced off the hill for film shoots. Gunshots and police sirens kept going off between four and five in the morning. It was intense."

Between four and five in the morning?

Sienna thought of Daniel. Without hesitation, she hung up on Jane and hurriedly dialed Daniel's phone. His phone was switched off. Sienna knew he never turned it on when he was on a mission.

all gone. She swiftly unlocked her phone and browsed the internet, searching for updates from people nearby. She worried all

he poured himself a glass of water, he excitedly announced, "Sienna, Clement got caught. What goes around

Sienna asked anxiously. "Was it by the anti-drug officers? Is Daniel

Morrison and some officers taking Clement into custody outside the

that had

convicted, it's either the death penalty or life imprisonment, right? You don't need to worry

he's getting what he deserves," Felix

as a lesson. Never gamble again and stay

grabbed an apple from the table, sinking into the couch as he took a bite. With his phone in hand, he navigated to a gaming app and remarked indifferently, "You're even more of a nag than

"Got it."

grabbed her electric

and headed out. "I'm off to do some grocery & shopping. And please, try to spend less time on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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