The Wrong Woman

Chapter 780

It was Vivian.

Adorned in an exquisite custom-made gown, she exuded an air of elegance and grandeur. She looked like she was going to walk the red carpet or grace a prestigious event. At her side stood a charming and refined woman in a tailored suit.

Sienna had no desire to engage in small talk with Vivian. She regarded her with a sense of detachment.

"Is this your new boyfriend?" Vivian cast a fleeting glance at the lawyer.

The lawyer promptly rose to his feet and extended his business card. "I represent Ms. Lawson legally, not in the capacity you're suggesting."

Vivian acknowledged him with a nonchalant hum, declining his card. She directed a frosty stare at Sienna.

A faint mocking smile played on her lips as she said, "Perhaps Daniel was initially drawn to you because you bore some resemblance to me. But once the allure faded, he likely found you lacking.

"After all, a plain Jane will always remain just that. To rise higher, one must possess self-awareness."

Sienna clenched her fists slowly, suppressing her emotions, a twinge of pain stabbing at her heart.

"Let's go, we have no time to waste," the woman beside Vivian commanded authoritatively.

Vivian's demeanor immediately softened. "Sure."

called out

and turned to face

feet, assessing Vivian. "How

she jeered, "It's a price

dollars?" Sienna

This dress was handcrafted by the most renowned designer overseas, valued at 150

dollars? Sienna had saved a considerable sum from her royalties that year. She could afford

hesitation, she grabbed the coffee from the table and splashed it on

lawyer was utterly

in horror, bumping into the

shattered the tranquility, laced with

in the coffee shop turned toward Vivian. Spotting the celebrity, they whipped out their

lunatic, do you even realize what you've done? This dress costs 150 thousand dollars. You can't afford it. "You've sabotaged my event. Just wait and see; I'll make

the woman beside

help me. This crazy woman ruined my dress. How am I supposed to explain this to the brand? How can

stared at Sienna

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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