The Wrong Woman

Chapter 791

Upon hearing Daniel's words, Sienna felt relieved.

Harvey discussed with her the next steps to resolve the issue and how to handle the lawsuit.

Daniel stepped out of the office and made a phone call.

After a while, he returned and quietly sat on the side. He was just sitting there to watch Sienna and Harvey discussing work.

As they talked, Harvey glanced at the trending search on the internet. He was astonished.

"It's gone?" he exclaimed.

Sienna was puzzled. She asked, "What's gone?"

Harvey felt like magic had happened in that short time. The internet was clean, with no trace of the trending search of the rumors of her plagiarism.

Sienna hurriedly checked her phone. She was shocked when she found out there was no evidence online. She looked up in amazement at Daniel. Pursing his lips, Daniel smiled at her.

The abilities of the wealthy and powerful were beyond imagination.

Sienna guessed it was Daniel's doing, but he didn't say a word.

After finishing work, Sienna left the company with Daniel.

so they went to a nearby restaurant to eat before driving

upset. Instead, after seeing Sienna's troubled expression, he wanted her to

came out with her laptop. "Daniel, can

me. You can use the stuff without my permission," Daniel said to her gently and sincerely. Sienna smiled. "Thanks,"

that, she entered the

sounded too awkward and

He weakly loosened his tie before taking it off and placing it aside. After that, he took off

doing her stuff in the study for the whole afternoon. At night,

scrolled through her

asked, "Are

I'm very busy,"

eating first, then you can

finish reading the manuscript of the new book and make corrections. It needs to be submitted to the editor the day after

Daniel fell silent.

to her room. Under the guise of work, she

was just very nervous and hadn't gotten used to the fact that she was already married. Also, she deliberately avoided Daniel because

that dumb, so

proper celebration and no

after marriage, Sienna didn't want to share a

all his money or being left, but being ignored by the wife he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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