The Wrong Woman

Chapter 964

Chapter 964

Mervyn sneered, "What's the meaning of this? Why should you bring him along?"

"Because he's my fiancé," Candice replied firmly.

Mervyn snorted in response. "Well, things just got more intriguing!"

Candice sighed softly before saying, "I've already gone over everything. I'm quite swamped at the moment. Let's reschedule for another time.

Her suggestion to reschedule seemed more like a polite brush-off that was unlikely to happen. She set down her phone and headed into the walk-in closet.

Inside, Elio was busy adjusting his tie. Candice approached and gently took the tie from his hands, her fingers slightly clumsy as she carefully tied it for him.

Ello paused, his gentle eyes gazing intensely at her. His voice, though hoarse, camed a tender tone. "Did he have something urgent to discuss with you?"

Feeling a blush rise to her cheeks, Candice answered softly, "He invited me to dinner tonight."

across Elio's eyes at her

his expression,

cradled the back of her head and leaned in to kiss her lips. "I have a banquet tonight with some important political figures. I'll be back soon. Wait for me at home, and no dating

feel slightly awkward. It dawned on her that

onto her tiptoes, Candice returned his kiss

initiative to kiss him stirred something deep within him. Unable to hold back,

expected her simple peck to result in her being pinned against the mirror and kissed with such depth and passion. The intense kiss finally ended after she pushed him away several times. Had it continued, Elio might have been

banquet unfolded in the ballroom of a prestigious five- star hotel. The

was organized to propel Phoenicia's development for the coming decades. Officials hoped to secure investments from wealthy tycoons to foster a brighter future for Phoenicia. alone at home. Besides, he couldn't shake off his concern that Mervyn might try

turned to see Fenna approaching

a plump, aged

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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