The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1024

The next morning, Imogen woke up unusually early. With an important job interview looming, she dressed meticulously, applied light makeup, and left home half an hour earlier.

Anxious about potential traffic delays, she deliberately opted for the subway. As she approached the subway entrance, someone suddenly threw a bucket of water mixed with green dye at her out of nowhere.

Imogen was completely caught off guard, freezing in shock. She let out a startled cry. The water cascaded from her head to her toes, leaving her drenched. She stared in disbelief at the culprit-Scarlett, who was visibly pregnant.

Passersby at the subway entrance were equally stunned. They paused to watch with curiosity, gossiping and speculating about the unexpected incident.

Imogen clenched her jaw, struggling to maintain her composure as she slowly wiped the water from her eyes. She looked down at her soaked clothes, then back at Scarlett.

If Scarlett hadn't been pregnant, Imogen might have been tempted to give her a piece of her mind right then and there.

frustration knotted Imogen's stomach. She took a deep breath, her voice edged with anger as she demanded, "Scarlett, what on

Scarlett took on a victimized posture. Tears welled in her eyes as

capture the unfolding drama. Imogen quickly put on a face mask, her voice ringing out in

tears, "I've seen your messages. Are you going to deny

interested and blocked him." Resting her hand on her belly, Scarlett sobbed, "If you hadn't encouraged him and flirted back, why would he be so obsessed with

ever heard. Were all pregnant women assumed to

Scarlett any longer. She'd be late if this kept up. Her clothes were soaked through, her makeup a mess. She turned, eager to get home and change, thinking she might

her arm. "Imogen, I spent a lot of money to find your address. I'm not letting you leave without

entrance. Sliding down, she ended up seated on the floor. Onlookers tensed at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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