Chapter 230

Nolan was rendered speechless.

What would the man who killed it in the business world be afraid of? The answer was his wife getting angry. Now his biggest fear was that his children would have unique ideas about him. He was going to get a heart attack.

Maisie spoke to someone on the phone on the balcony. The other party said something, and Maisie looked down “Thanks, Mr. Zidane. Please don’t tell my father about this.”

The person on the other end said something back, and Maisie nodded. “Alright, we’ll speak tomorrow then.”

Maisie put down her phone and looked coldly into the night view. She had seen what was the agenda behind dinner that night.

Even if her dad insisted on being on her side, it was weak compared to how hungry Madam Vanderbilt and Yorick’s family were.

If they could not make Stephen hand over Vaenna’s ownership, they would be thinking about taking it by force soon.

And then there was Leila and Willow.

enough not to be on the wrong side this time around because she had something of theirs. Even though she couldn’t be

wearing thin clothing. Her cool body was suddenly warmed by the body

facing the entire family by yourself? Why didn’t

was never changed, she

at him. That beautiful face


did she think that

said, “Just do what you

his gaze. “I know, but

to have guessed what she was going to say. He didn’t want to

to sleep,” the man whispered and carried her toward the

were wandering, Maisie blushed. “Nolan, you

always the one

night was just as

The next day…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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