Chapter 291

The onlookers were intrigued, and some started to instigate Wynona to accept the bet. Wynona’s face turned a little pale. She wondered why the sl*t in front of her wasn’t scared at


What if she lost the bet?

“Wynona, didn’t you say you believe in Rowena? Then, why aren’t you accepting the bet? Are you scared?” Maisie asked, grinning from ear to ear. “Who told you that I’m scared?” Wynona replied through gritted teeth, “Just you wait, Maisie. You’re going to kneel down and apologize to me!”

She chose to believe in Rowena in the end, for she was confident that she wouldn’t lie to her.

She pulled her phone out and made a call to Rowena. She also had switched on the loudspeaker.

call, Wynona hastily asked, “Rowena, you’re Mr. Goldmann’s

crumpled down as she

away before Wynona could finish her sentence. Chuckling lightly, she said, “Rowena, please answer the question.

and her face turned grim when she

idiot? How could she bring me into

something, Rowena!” Wynona pressed on, her voice

flatly, “Wynona, I never told you before that I’m

the call afterward and slammed her fist on the table

idiot!’ Rowena

she had no


other incredulously. After all, she was the one who had said that Rowena was Mr.

it up, did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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