To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 67

Chapter 67 I Can’t Wait

Steven felt uneasy after learning about Jenny’s background, but even if he knew that Dr. Walter was Alec Faust’s ex-wife, he would still put his hands on her. After all, it was rare to come across a beauty like her. If he didn’t try her, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Of course, he was smart enough to keep his thoughts to himself, or else he might risk getting beaten up by Alec.

He pressed his bruised cheek and explained the situation to Alec. He wrapped up with honesty, “She’s not here. My men couldn’t find her too.”

Alec obviously didn’t trust his words. He scanned the villa and stared at Steven. Steven felt a chill down his spine, like he was the target of a predator. “Alec, I swear I am telling you the truth!”

Alec quickly took the call and briskly left the villa,


the door, he was stopped by at few bodyguards dressed in black. “Mr. Dickman, Mr.

in hatred, but he dared not

Apparently, Jenny Walter was abducted by another group of men who had nothing to do with Steven

a red sports car in the left lane caught up with him. Max rolled down the car window, looking serious, and said, “Alec Faust, want to

overtook Alec’s car. As he

the abandoned warehouse, Jenny finally succeeded in cutting the ropes, but she kept quiet about it. Instead, she calmly addressed the abductors, “Sir, can’t you take off the blindfold

looked solemn. He stared squarely at her for a long time, as he was always cautious. “You’d better behave. Don’t pull any tricks. We can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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