To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 65

Chapter 65 Your Ex-wife Has Been Abducted

Jenny’s worry did not materialize. The three guys dragged her into the van but ignored Stephanie altogether. Then, they quickly fled the scene.

Everything happened too fast. After the van disappeared into the night, Stephanie finally pulled herself together and called the police in a panic. Even after making a police report, a strong sense of worry plagued her.

“No! I can’t let anything happen to Jenny!” With that in mind, she dialed the number she had saved on her phone yesterday.

A black car was parked in a corner where she was not looking. The men in the car looked in Stephanie’s direction through binoculars.

“Why is there only one of them? I thought the two women would be heading this way?” one of them questioned.

“Mr. Dickman is only after Jenny Walter. If we lose track of her, we will be in trouble.”

in an attempt to track Jenny

Right then, his phone buzzed, and he quickly answered the call. “Did something happen?” “How did you know that something had happened?”


your ex-wife has been abducted,” Paul reported. Alec shot

been for Stephanie’s call for help, he wouldn’t have batted an eye about Jenny’s fate. Since Stephanie

complete with the location of Jenny’s abduction and the event timeline. He wandered out of his office while reading the text, leaving Vincent scratching his head in the middle of the presentation. He wondered, “Did something major happen again?” “Vincent!” He heard a roar from outside and hurriedly emerged from the CEO’s office. “Mr. Faust.” “Check the surveillance footage around the area of the location I just sent you,” Alec ordered. Vincent was too afraid to ask

station, she saw a Rolls-Royce Phantom parked in front of her, and Alec showed

Stephanie was surprised

in the car and tell

hurriedly joined him inside. With Alec’s help, she hoped they could get to Jenny as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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