To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 36

Chapter 36 I’m Only Interested in You

They stared at each other. Jenny saw a flash of hatred in his eyes.

She was sure that she hadn’t done anything against him, much less anything that would invoke his wrath. What was the source of his rage? Was it Alec?

In an instant, realization dawned on her.

“I’m not interested in Alec, either,” she replied. “I don’t know what grudges you two hold against each other, but I want no part of it.”

“That’s a stretch. I’m only interested in you.” Max went back to normal in the blink of an eye. His cheerful demeanor looked nothing like someone who would want to kill his own father.

“Well, I refuse,” she said.

Max wasn’t angry. He stood, smiling. “It’s okay. There is time, still. I believe that I will make you like me one day.”

Before waiting for Jenny to reply, he left the office.

Jenny was speechless. What a day it was.

surgery scheduled for that afternoon. Right

up to her.

in the emergency room who insists on surgery,” she said

it serious?” Jenny asked, walking toward

pulled her back. “Don’t go there. That patient’s family is really stubborn. It’s just a mild concussion. There is no need for surgery at all. The doctors in the emergency room have already told them this, but they refuse

furrowed. After some thought, she said,

insisted, Morgan said nothing else, following

they reached the emergency room and

you Dr. Walter? The best neurosurgeon in the world?” The patient’s family stared at her, faces full of doubt. They had heard that an amazing neurosurgeon worked in Parrington Hospital, so they begged the ambulance

doctor and asked, “Have you done the CT

concerned for the patient. She would feel better if she

“It’s a mild concussion. He’ll be fine after staying here.

who refused surgery, not people who insisted on


and nodded. “Indeed. Everything seems to be in

The records showed that he was only 16 years old. “Heilo, Joey. I’m

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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