To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 69

Chapter 69 I’m Afraid You’ll Be Disappointed

Once she defeated the three men, she stepped on one of their faces and turned around to address Max and Alec. “I told you I didn’t need your help.”

They were too shocked to speak, and “savage” was the first word to appear in their minds.

Yes, savage.

They had never seen a woman this skilled in martial arts.

Jenny shifted her attention to her abductors. “Call your client.”

In an odd display of loyalty, the man stayed silent and still. She smirked at his defiance and flashed a knife in her hands. Without hesitation, she slashed his arm.

yelped. She bent over and hissed like a demon, “Make. The. Call. Or you can guess where

the call.” Gus nodded furiously, panting heavily in pain. She nodded in satisfaction. Knowing that they were amateurs, it was

with anticipation and glee. “Is

was not in a rush to say anything,

annoyed when she didn’t get an answer. “Is the job done or not? I won’t let you off the hook if you don’t do your job after getting

said with

warehouse. The woman at the other end of the line went quiet before hurriedly disguising her

‘I’ll hand them over to you. I think you’ll know what to

beaming while talking to him, but he could

with Faye, who coordinated

this,” he clarified,

“Dr. Walter…”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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