To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 85

Chapter 85 Bring Jenny to My Birthday Party

A loud chime jarred Alec from his thoughts. Seeing that it was his grandfather calling, he immediately answered the call.

“It will be my birthday in three days. What are you going to get me?”

“Grandpa, how can you ask me that question?” Alec was dumbfounded.

“Why not? If I don’t ask, I might end up not liking your gift?” Old Mr. Faust was holding his phone in one hand while stroking his beard with the other, grinning to himself. Thinking of the portrait of his grandfather he had prepared, Alec replied, “I promise you will like my gift.”

“To hell with your promises,” his grandfather chided. “There’s only one thing I want for my birthday.”

“Tell me what it is.” Alec was much more patient when it came to his grandfather. After all, if Old Mr. Faust knew what he specifically wanted, it would be much easier for him.

“Bring Jenny to my birthday party,” he said.

a moment, he finally replied, “If you want her to attend your birthday party, it’s better to call

you to

he insisted Alec figure out a way to invite her. However, Alec knew that Jenny would

for a long time, which made his grandfather

such a simple request, you brat? You’re


matter how much you hate her, you must invite her to my birthday party,” Old Mr. Faust interrupted

However, he couldn’t

try your best. If you don’t bring her along, don’t bother showing up.” With that,

stared at his phone helplessly, wondering if Jenny was his grandfather’s biological grandchild

was still fuming after hanging up

me. What’s wrong with Alec? Jenny is such a nice girl, yet he doesn’t like her!” he

people. They care a lot about feelings. Perhaps he just doesn’t have feelings for Miss

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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