To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 59

Chapter 59 What Good Are You?

Scared but composed, Vincent entered the CEO’s office with Alec.

“Any results on the whereabouts of my ex-wife?” Alec stared at Vincent and asked in a flat tone. For Vincent, Alec’s calmness was much more terrifying. He wondered what had happened to his CEO. Alec had rarely asked about his ex-wife in the past, but he started taking an interest in her after the divorce.

Vincent shook his head and stammered, “N-No.”

As expected, Alec’s brooding eyes darkened after hearing that. He asked, “What’s her name?”

“Jenny Walter,” Vincent answered and heard Alec take a deep breath, as if he was holding back.

met her?”

by at work. And you had never been to the

she would communicate with the butler, Warren, from the Old Mansion.

the blue, Alec grabbed a file and threw it at Vincent. “What good are you? You’re taking forever

dared not dodge and was momentarily dazed after being hit. He was also taken aback by Alec’s remark. “What do you mean when

fuming and spitting fire. A petrified Vincent struggled to

the other side of the

famous brain surgeon and the last mentee of Mr. Birkett. They are two different people!” she gasped internally. Her shock was understandable, for no sane person would make the connection between Jenny and Dr. Walter. Alec glared at Vincent and shouted, “That’s

Vincent nodded gravely, equally curious to clear

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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