To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 125

Chapter 125 An Agreement Made by the Older Generation

Soon, it was six in the evening. It was time to get off work.

Jenny packed up all her things and prepared to leave the hospital, but she didn’t expect Alec to call.

“Is there something you need?” she asked as she packed up her things.

“How is Mr. Spade?” he asked. His tone was calm and neutral, as if he were a boss simply checking in on his employee.

Jenny said truthfully, “All is well. He should be discharged in a few days.”

No matter what, Alec was now one of the biggest shareholders of Parrington Hospital. Technically, he was her boss. If he asked her questions, she had to answer him.

Alec hummed in response and lapsed into silence, which bewildered Jenny. She noticed that it was almost time for her dinner with Christopher. She asked, “Is there anything else, Mr. Faust?”

you out to dinner,” he

no choice. He knew that if he invited her out to dinner alone,

and said, “I can’t make it tonight. I’ll eat with him at the Old Mansion some

he had to take the lead, quell some of the dissatisfaction that Jenny

felt a little guilty.

Alec hung up. He was definitely disappointed, but it was

with Alec, Christopher appeared at

Let’s go.” She took her bag and left the hospital

conceal the fact that they were walking together. It stirred jealousy

Christopher is

Faust?” The person who had spoken was a fan of Alec’s. No one could be

are the largest family in Parrington, the

don’t believe

already left the hospital, knew nothing of it. She didn’t ask where Christopher was taking her to. After all,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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