To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 114

Chapter 114 If It Weren’t For You

Jenny hadn’t expected to see such an amusing scene after answering a call outside.

She recognized the woman on the floor to be Yvonne’s friend. Who was she planning to splash with the dirty water, then?

Jenny could see the answer from the woman’s terrified expression. Smiling, she walked up to her and looked down. “Do you need me to call someone for you?”

“No… No need!” The woman shook her head, unable to meet Jenny’s eyes.

“Sure. Have it your way.” Jenny shrugged and went into the stall.

As soon as she closed the door, the woman stood up resentfully and got another bucket of dirty water. She wanted to take Jenny down with her.

With this thought, she raised the bucket of water and tried to pour it over the door again.

time, Jenny opened the


you?” she asked coldly. “This is

you’re talking about.” Since nothing had happened to Jenny, there was nothing she

she admitted to her wrongdoings. She glanced at her and handed her a towel. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell on you

would just be wasting her time to seek

the restroom, leaving the woman on the ground, still drenched in dirty

want to cause trouble for

banquet hall, Jenny felt Yvonne’s surprised gaze as soon as she walked in. She looked up and stared straight at her. Guiltily, Yvonne averted her gaze. Jenny wasn’t about to just let it go, though. She headed

that dumbass

Jenny smiled. “Were you

Walter.” Yvonne was smart enough to hide her guilty

toward the restroom and said, “Your friend’s in there. I don’t think she’s in good condition right

just returned from abroad. I don’t have any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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