To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 154

Chapter 154 A Difficult Decision

When Jenny came out of the kitchen, she spotted Zack and Alec engaged in a conversation, and she could barely believe her eyes. She recalled how loudly Zack had cursed Alec when she divorced him. How did they become friends so quickly?

“Zack,” Jenny called. “What are you talking about?”

As if he had been caught doing something wrong, Zack quickly sat up straight and said seriously,” Nothing. Just small talk.”

Feeling guilty, he didn’t dare to look Jenny in the eyes. It was all Alec’s fault for making such a generous offer. On top of that, Alec didn’t ask anything from him, so the opportunity was like a treasure falling from the sky.

Jenny found his behavior suspicious, and she clearly did not believe him.

Just as she was about to question him, Alec approached her. “Is the food ready? Do you need my help?”

“No, you’re our guest, so just sit there and wait for dinner to be served,” Jenny replied.

didn’t argue with her. Truth be told, he didn’t feel like helping Gilbert. “Are you tired? Take a

that.” After stealing another glance at

helpless. Although Jenny was treating him a little better because of his injury, she was still very cold to

Zack said, “Didn’t I tell you? Even

his little

answer. He stared at the kitchen, his expression

dinner was served. Although Alec didn’t like Gilbert, he had to admit he was the superior

“Although you didn’t treat Jenny very well during the two years

just had to bring up that

I was a fool for not recognizing Jenny’s many strengths, which is why I

However, I don’t think you’re someone who will bring her happiness, Mr. Faust. I hope you’ll keep a distance from her after this meal so that you won’t cause

darkened as he didn’t expect Gilbert to

can’t make Jenny happy?” he asked, his tone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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