To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Who?

Jenny grew up in Orchid Village. She had grown up there for as long as she could remember, and everything there was familiar to her.

As a child, she started to learn various skills. However, she didn’t learn them from school but from the teachers in the village. She always thought that her teachers were amazing as they knew everything.

Back then, she didn’t think it was strange. She thought children in other villages all grew up the same way.

She eventually matured into an adult, studied in Parrington, earned her master’s and doctorate degrees, and married Alec. The more she learned, the more Orchid Village seemed off to her.

Every teacher in the village who taught her was a master of their craft. For example, Mr. Birkett was a famous painter. However, he stayed in that village just to be her teacher. There had to be a reason, but Jenny didn’t know why.

She had asked her grandfather before but didn’t get an answer. All he told her was not to think too much, and she would know the answer when the time was right.


her lost in thought, he couldn’t

looked at him. “My grandfather hired a lot of teachers for me since

go into the specifics as she didn’t want too many people to know how strange her life in Orchid

very kind to you.”

an adult, I feel

Every day, she ran back and forth between different teachers’ homes

she had complained to her grandfather, but it was to no avail. However, thinking about it in

forced to learn this and that by my grandfather when I was young, and I even ran away from home

Jenny was surprised. “Well, I’ve never

as they chatted, sharing a peaceful conversation for the first time since they met. Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Jenny went to


to find out what exactly was going on between Jenny and Alec. “Is

at Jenny’s house. Hence, Vincent deliberately waited downstairs for more than 30 minutes before coming upstairs, just to give

stepped aside, revealing Alec in the living

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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